29. Revealing

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While I go up the stairs to Tor's quarters with the laptop under my arm, I am pulling my lip ring. He liked that,  I am reminded. That alone is enough to give me the courage I need. I  will die before I let anything happening to Nathan because of me. 

"Tor," I bang on the door.

I  hear loud, cheerful laughter. Tor is rarely alone. After a few minutes,  Tor appears at the door with the sheet wrapped sloppily around him.

"This better be good, bror," he says with a raised brow and a wide smile.

"Call Thing," I say seriously. "I will be waiting downstairs. Do it quick."

Tor frowns. I do not give him time to ask for more. I will do this shit in front of all my brothers.

I go straight to our big meeting room and I take my place. My leg is twitching and I bite down my jaw. What is taking them so long? Every minute more, is a minute more Nat is under Takeshi's will. I am coming, old man, I squeeze my eyes together.

I will see him again. And when I do, I will go down on my knees and beg him to take me back. To let me make it up to him. Nat, I am longing for his touch right now.

Tor is the first to walk in and he takes his place at the head of our table. Outside, I can hear Vince calling the brothers to Thing.

"Är allting okej, bror?" Tor asks.

"Nej," I say shaking my head.

Nothing  is fucking right. Nat could be suffering right now. My Nat, my old man,  mine. And he is caught because of me, a fucking asshole he didn't  deserve.

My thoughts are interrupted as my brothers file in and  take their place. They are not questioning the time. We have had  gatherings in all odd hours. Vik and Runner are in since they were here  with their Valkyries for light drinks.

"Rage, Wood and Bjorn are riding in," Vince reports to Tor. "Ironhand is in his cabin with Chiara and his kid."

"I'll  fill him in and let him know if we will need his help," Tor says, his  tone reminding nothing of the man that was just fucking with a girl. "As  soon as I know what the fuck is going on."

The thralls bring some  alcohol and coffee, and we all sit in silence till we hear bikes  roaring. Soon the rest of our brothers are in but not before I hear Wood  talk with Lil'Ed and Jab to make rounds around their houses.

"Tell me there is a fucking good reason I left Tamie and Devon in the middle of the night," Wood barks as he takes his place.

Rage  says nothing but his look speaks volumes. He is already itching to go  and the only thing keeping him in place is the chance that there will be  a demand for his services. Bjorn says nothing just lights his cigarette  and leans back.

"Stig?" Tor beckons at me.

I swallow hard. I get up as much as my trembling knees allow me to.

"OK. I actually do not know where to start. I guess from the beginning it's a good place as any."

My  brothers say nothing. I never get the spotlight like that. I am usually  behind the screen typing thing or smoking weed or whatever. I can see  their surprise as they take me in. They know I am in trouble and they  can't believe it.

"Before I came here, I... kind of worked for the Yakuza."

Tor is literally taken aback. He leans back in his tall chair and looks at me with a deep scowl. Pace yourself, min Kung, I shake my head and keep going.

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