14. Procrastinating

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I go up the stairs as if the hordes of Hell is on my back. But it's not. If anything, being in Nathan's arms, feeling him so close was absolute heavenly bliss. If Tor hadn't called... Yes, If Tor hadn't called, I would have gone all the way with him, throwing all caution out of the window. And I know it would be worth it. Helvete, the little taste I got was worth it.

But it was good that Tor called. Brought me back to reality, back to the world where we are not just the two of us in a cool house, watching movies. Back to reality where we got a job to do, where a kid is missing, where no one must ever to know what... what I really am.

I get in the room I chose and go straight for my laptop. Some shit on the porn website or something. I was not really listening, I was still caught in a haze, fucking hard for Nathan, already feeling his hot mouth on my raging erection. A raging erection that is still going on no matter how Tor's call rattled me.

I grab the laptop and sink in the comfortable bed. Before I get the chance to do any real job, the door knocks. I frown and swallow. I am torn between wanting to see him, smell him, feel him and keeping my distance.

"Stig," his voice is demanding.

I take a deep breath and leave the laptop aside. I wouldn't be doing any real job anyway. I would be thinking of that kiss, of his arms around me, of the softness of his skin and those damn firm ass cheeks that were inviting me to spread them and dive deep into them.

I know how this conversation is going to go. He is going to blame me for stopping this and he might even call me out for my closeted status. He is openly gay and given the nature of his job I doubt it has been easy getting others to respect that. I... I can't. I am a Rider and I fucking love being a Rider. I belong here, I have a home. How would my brothers feel with that? Besides, after Takeshi? I am not taking any chances.

I go to the door, ready to raise a wall between us. If he wants to make me feel shitty for not coming out, then fuck him! I am not going to be pushed around to do shit I am not comfortable doing and he can shove all his self-righteousness up his incredibly sexy ass. That's right!

The door opens and I am revved up, ready to shut him down hard.

"Are you fucking with Tor?"

What? I was expecting anything but that.

"Are you?" Nathan demands.

He seems really angry, his straight eyebrows forming a deep V.

"Why...?" I can't seem to be able to form a comprehensible question.

"Why? Cause before he called you were ready to go at it. As soon as you hear his master's voice you turn all icy cold."

"No, Nathan. I am not fucking Tor."

A sigh of relief. Wait. Was he jealous or something? No, it can't be.

"I mean, I would totally get it if you did. Tor is hot. A major asshole but a hot asshole at that."

It's my turn to frown. I know Tor would never go with a guy but why does it bother me that Nathan finds my King hot? Is it because back in the day I had a one-day crush for him before I got my senses back? Though I know. it's not because Nathan finds Tor hot. It's because Nathan finds Tor hot.

"Then why, Stig?" Nathan interrupts my mind from wandering. "Are you going to go all defensive I am not a fag and shit like that? If you are, bullshit! You were hard for me the moment we met. And you were hard for me on that rug so don't give me any shit because-"

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