7. Visiting

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When I called Ava if she wanted to meet for breakfast before I went to see Stig, I wasn't expecting an invitation to a pool party in an escort. You got to love Ava for things like those.

"Typically it's a girls' day off but we are willing to make an exception," Ava leads me to the side of the pool where there are other women sitting too.

I instantly know the one thing they all have in common. A Valkyrie tattoo.

"Cause I'm gay?" I smile at Ava.

"That too."

"You know I'm not the kind of homosexual that knows about fashion and shit, right?"

Ava throws her head back and laughs. And it's a sight to behold. Seriously, if I ever were straight, I would risk facing that bear of a husband of hers to have her.

Luckily for me, I don't have such problems. Stig, my conscience readily offers. And is spot on. A week away and thrown into some serious shit and that blonde Swede was stuck in my head. I was almost elated to have come across this problem which meant that I had an excuse to see him again. Which I guess makes me a 15-year old girl at least.

"Huh?" I caught vaguely that Ava has asked me something.

"I asked, are you seeing someone?"

In a couple of hours.

"You know me, Ava. An emotionless workaholic."

"Or you haven't met someone special. Girls," she turns to the group of women, "this is my friend, Nathan. Nathan, these are the Valkyries."

If I am honest, Ava and the one I've already met along with an agile dark-haired possibly swimsuit model look the part. But the other three? I don't see how they could be considered Valkyries. One is a pixie girl that smiles too brightly, one is her curvier spitting image that is reading a book and the last one is breastfeeding a baby while working on her smartphone.

"Magda, Lysa, Iris, Tamie and Chiara," Ava introduces me to them.

I nod to all of them and they beam me a smile.

"Do you have a swimsuit?" Ava asks.

"I wore one when you mentioned the pool," I wink and take off my clothes.

"Yep, a shame," Magda says looking at me up and down.

"Sorry," I smile at her.

"Heh, nothing to be done about it. Plus, you look good but I find my man hotter. Sorry. Still. A shame."

"Why? What's a shame?" Iris asks.

"Your friend here is disappointed that I am swinging for the other team."

She frowns cutely.

"You know?" I try.

Still clueless. Can a girl married to an MC gangster be that innocent?

"Nathan is gay," Magda offers. "Beer or cocktail, man?"

I scoff.


"So, how come you are back?" Ava sits on a long chair.

"I need a favor from your tech guy," I try to sound cool.

"Ah," Ava tries to sound cool but I see those wheels in her brain spin.

I go to the edge of the pool and prepare to dive in. I do love a good swim. Plus, it's the best way to keep away from Ava. She is a master at extracting information you want to keep hidden. And though I don't mind babbling about my crush with my girlfriend, I don't think Stig is ready to step out of the closet.

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