Christmas decorating,Christmas shopping and the christmas tree!

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"Could you pass me the lights?" I asked Alex. We were decorating the front room since my parents were too busy with work. I pinned up the last set of lights and grinned. The room looked perfect,well the decorations did,I still hadnt decorated the tree. I climbed off the ladder and grabbed the box full of christmas tree decorations. Me and Alex began to pin all of the bells and bows around the christmas tree. I hung up the balls and dug deep in the box for the star that would be hung at the top of the tree. Alex bought the ladders to me and I climbed on to them. I took the star and placed it at the very top of the tree. I got off the ladders and grinned. The whole room looked amazing.
"We did good Alex,we did good,"
"I know right.Now we just wait for the presents to fill up!"
I chuckled.
"I cant believe its christmas in a few days. Oh man ive not even done any shopping," I moaned.
I needed to get everyones gifts today since tomorrow was christmas eve.
Why did I do everything so last minute. I sighed and ran upstairs. I changed into a pair of jeans and a jumper,put my hair into s high pony tail and put on a bit of makeup. I grabbed my bag off of my desk and went downstairs.
"Alex,im going out," I screamed so he could hear me.
"Ok," He replied.
I grabbed my car keys off the counter and locked the front door. I unlocked my car and started driving to the mall. I flicked radio channels until I found a christmassy song.
"Jingle bell,jingle bell,jingle bell rock," I began singing. Now I was definitely feeling the christmas spirit.

I quickly searched for a parking spot (which was very hard as the mall was so busy today) and parked my car. I quickly decided which shops I needed to go to and got out of the car. I made my way into target and began searching for something for my mother. I went into the beauty section and found a Marc Jacobs perfume set and put it into my basket.I also grabbed a couple of mac cosmetics for Julia. I knew the exact thing she would want for christmas. Once I had gotten a couple of stuff for my dad and Alex I paid for my stuff.
I made my way to pandora and the line was huge. I decided to go back later and went to Bath and Body works. I bought some candles and bath sets. What the hell was I going to get Nathan?! And thats when it hit me! Nathan was obsessed with music. I would get him a guitar. I walked into the music shop and looked around the shop. I looked up and saw an electric guitar in a glass case. It was a sleek black colour and had red on the sides. It looked great. It was quite pricy but its not like I was really on a budget.
"Excuse me," I asked a sales assistant.
"How can I ask you,"She asked in a perky voice. She was around 19 and had blonde hair that was half covered by the christmas hat she was wearing. She had a name tag which read 'Anna'
"Erm please could I buy the guitar in the glass shelf?" I asked.
"Sure Ill go get you a boxed one from the back,"
I smiled at her and nodded.
After I had gotten the guitar from her I went to Sephora and bought a couple of makeup products for my mom and Julia. I then went to a small shop that had all sort of vintage stuff to see if there could be anything for my dad. And thats when I saw it!
A vintage player ! It had CD with it and everything. Dad always liked that old vintage type of music so this would be something he would love. I took the vintage player and cds to the front desk and paid for them. I had so many bags!
Now I just had to buy wrapping paper and Alex's main gift!
After twenty minutes of thinking I decided to just buy him a new phone since he had cracked his phone in a lacrosse game a couple of weeks ago.

After I had bought everyones presents and gone home to wrap them , I placed them under the tree and grinned.
It was almost christmas and I was so excited.

I know this is quite short but the next chapter will be pretty long coz guess what guys in the next chapter its going to be CHRISTMAS!
Ok so I dont know when Im next going to be updating since its going to be a busy week but ill try to update soon

Hope you all enjoyed
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picture of perries christmas tree on side

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