The bad boy 'borrowed' my tampon

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" PERRIE GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW " my best friend , Julia screamed .

I was currently in the bathroom at school . Mothernatures gift to me had come early this month . A whole two weeks early. Ugh ! I had gym class next as well. I quickly cleaned up and went out of the stall to be greeted by a fuming Julia . You see she was the kind of girl who had never got a grade short of an A ,never missed a lesson and hated and I mean hated being late.

" Ok chill your beans girl , " I said whilst pulling her arm. If we weren't in gym class at approximately 70 seconds from now we would both have a detention . I pulled her arm and ran down the hall. We ran to the big blue double doors that lead to hell and ran inside only to be greeted by the sound of coach khellers whistle. He was one of the most annoying teachers in this entire school .

" Listen up class where having a game of dodge ball. From Perrie all the way down to Nathan is one team and from Julia to Chelsea you're one team. You've got five minutes to go through your team strategy's , " He told us. Groans escaped from around the room including mine. I had to be in the same team as jerk face mr player boy Nathan Vanderson. He was no doubt the biggest player known to man and was also my twin brother's best friend . For gods sake today was going just great. Note the sarcasm .

" So we're going to kick there asses. We all know how to play except for Perrie that is so I think that you should sit out this game. Don't you?" Nathan smirked at me.

" Whatever Vanderson I could beat your ass anyday anytime, " I shot back. A series of ohs and laughs came from the rest of our team.

" Yeah right Henderson . The last time I saw you playing dodge ball instead of hitting the oppposite team you hit yourself , " He replied.

Just as I was about to say something coach blew the whistle and told us to get into our positions.

Nate threw the ball at the opposite team which got at least three people out.

Julia then threw the ball at us and stupid me ended up catching it. Great although I hate to admit it Nathan was right. I was crap at dodgeball. I quickly chucked the ball and it somehow ended up hitting Nathan right in the nose. I have no idea how that happen since he was standing right next to me and I was aiming for the opposite side. I was cursed. Blood started pouring from his nose.

" Oh for gods sake , , Henderson go with Vanderson to get him cleaned up the rest of you carry on," Coach sighed. Man did he love sports.

I groaned and went with Nathan. I took my bag with me .

" Here hold my bag i'm going to get you some tissue from the girls room, " I gave him my bag and walked down the hall . The bathroom wasnt far from the gym . I went in to one of the stalls and took all of the tissue .

As soon as I saw his face I started laughing so hard my stomach began to hurt.

" What the hell dude. Why do you have a tampon shoved up your fricking nose. Are you mental or something . That was my last one know what am I going to use for the rest of the day , " I said between tears of laughter . He looked so stupid. He had my tampon in his nose . Oh god. I grabbed my bag , took out my phone and took a picture before he even realized . Oh gosh this was too funny.

" It's not funny you were taking so long and this is a new Polo Ralph Shirt . You had no tissues in your bag and this seemed like the last option so yeah. And you better delete that photo Henderson or everyone in school is going to know about last years karoke night, " He said , his face in an angry expression.

Oh crap karoke night . That was bad real bad . You see every year on new years eve my family , Nathans family and Julia's family all have karoke night. We did it at my house last year and I ended up doing some weird dance moves which caused me to fall flat on my face and break my mom's glass vase which was an anniversary present from my dad. And to make matters worse Nathan and Alex , my brother , had recorded the whole thing which by the way includes my horrible singing.

" Ok , ok chill dude i'll delete it , " I said whilst putting my phone in my bag.

" You better Prez or I swear to god i'll send that video to everyone I know and i'll make sure to post it on youtube,"

Prez was my nickname by the way .

" Sure , now come on the bells going to go for lunch any minute now and I still have to change out of these gym shorts , "

I ran down the hall and went into the girls locker rooms only to be greeted by Julia.

" Hey Prez , you really don't know how to play dodge ball do you , " She teased

" I told you I really am cursed at these things Jules . Now if you excuse me I have to get out of these shorts and tank top. Save me a place at lunch and i'll be there in 10."

As soon as I was done changing I made my way to the cafeteria. The food there was bad , real bad as in disgusting so instead I bought my own food.

" Hey Ben . How was math class , "I asked. Ben was one of my closest friends. He wasn't a jerk like the rest of the guys here. He was actually a great guy .

" You know same old Mr Jones gives us a task to do and for the rest of the lesson hes asleep , like literallly asleep, " He replied.

That was really true. Although Eastbrook High school was one of the top schools in the country , god knows how, the teachers here were crappy and only perked up when the school inspectors came around . This school was lame with a capital l.

" This school is crap you guys.Real crap," I complained just as Alex and Nathan walked in.

My brother and Nathan were part of the it crowd. You know the usual cheerleaders and basketball players except from at this school we did lacrosse instead of basketball. I got up to throw my rubbish in the bin and bumped into nathan.

" Hey Prezzie , deleted that photo yet because i've already got the video ready to send to everyone . All I need to do is press send , "

" First of all never ever ever call me Prezzie and second of all i'm only going to delete it if you and Alex delete the video ," Just as I finished talking queen bitch , Chelsea Clark came up to us.

" Hey baby , ugh what are you doing talking to this loser . How many times do I have to tell you Perrie just because you're Alex's sister it doesn't mean your cool , because honestly you're not , " she said pulling Nathans arm .

" Oh and one more thing whore , keep away from my boyfriend , " She said as she poured her strawberry smoothie all over me.

" OH MY GOD . YOU BITCH ," I got my tuna salad and put it all on her radiant blonde hair.

" Oh no you didn't ," She grabbed a plate of spaghetti meatball and threw at me .

I grabbed the chocolate brownies next to me and chucked them right on her white armarni jeans.

" FOOD FIGHT , " Someone screamed.

Suddenly everyone was chucking food everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE . It was like a scene from a movie but worse , much , much worse.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING , " the principals voice boomed .

Oh crap we were dead now. More than dead .



so hi guys . I really , really hope you enjoyed reading this. If you liked it even a little bit than please vote for this story and share to all your friends :D

And id also really really like to thank weeping_fire for the amazing book cover. You guys should check out her books they're great

BTW on theside there is a picture of Perrie :)

Peace out,


M x

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now