Partying , Alcohol and The Hospital room.

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We both ran downstairs and saw it was Alex.

" What the hell are you doing," I asked him. He was standing next to a broken glass dish. Mom was going to kill him.

" Erm I was trying to make scrambled egg and I slipped and dropped the bowl," He explained. Trust him to drop the dish. He was like the most clumsiest person ever.

"Ok then. Anyways how was the game," I asked.

" Well we beat the mustangs , three to one! Go Hawks," he said with a smile plastered across his face. The mustangs were our schools most fierce competitors. They had only lost one game this whole season not including this one.

" Oh my god thats great," I said as I gave my brother a hug. Ugh he reeked of sweat.

" Just one thing though before going to the victory party make sure to shower you stink dude,"

" Haha very funny , being a top lacrosse player takes time you know time and sweat," He said as he lifted his armpits up. Oh gosh it stank. I needed a gas mask or something. I grabbed Julias hand and ran to my room.

" Oh my god Pez we have to go to that victory party. Do you know how many hot guys are going to be there. Plus we've not been to a social gathering in forever," she begged. Every time our school won the match there was a victory party held at a member of the teams house. It was a sort of tradition.

" No way Jules just no,"

"Come on pez you owe me remember I came bunjee jumping with you,"

Oh shit.

" Ugh fine but I swear to god if drunk Julia comes out tonight , I am not babysitting you," I sighed. When Julia got drunk she turned into a five year old girl. It was bad.

" Shut up now come on we have to get ready,"

" Wow," I looked into my mirror and just stared at myself. I looked completely different. My lips were a deep shade of red and my eyeliner was winged. I was wearing a white crop top with a red skirt. The look was completed with a pair of gold heels and my red Chanel bag.

" I told you baby. I can make you go from plain old school girl to a million dollar sensation."

" Gee thanks," I complained.

" Shut up and appreciate the handy work,"

Julia looked pretty stunning too. Her hair was up in a Kind of plait and bun style and she was wearing a dark blue mini dress that flared out. She was wearing blue heels and her make up was perfection.

I smirked at her.

" Now come on lets go before its too late," She said.

" Oh my god !" Julia and I said in unison.

The front of the house was covered with people making out and as we walked inside it got even worse. The music was so loud I could hear it ten blocks away. I spotted Georgina , our other friend playing beer pong with some guys. She had her Usual bright orange Highlights in her hair and she was dressed in bright colours that made her stand out from the crowd. As soon as she spotted us she came over.

" Hey guys," She slurred. Her breath reeked of beer and she was beyond drunk.

" You guys look nice."She giggled.

" Thanks ," I smiled at her.

" Come on guys no time for chit chat lets go get drunk ," Julia screamed so that we could hear her above the music.

Twenty two by Taylor swift was currently blasting through the speakers.

We went over to the beer table and I started drinking whatever I could find. The drink was so strong That my eyes started watering. I put the drink down and went to explore the party.

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now