American history, New friends and Evil glares

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'Ok class open up your textbooks and turn to page 56," Mr mathews said. Most of the class stared to groan including me. It had been a week since I was let out from hospital and life was finally back on track. I cant say I was too happy being back at school but thats just life right. The minute I walked in people began to stare and whisper about me because now not only was I the girl who got their precious Chelsea A.K.A Queen bitch suspended ( which was by the way all her fault ) but now I also had a drinking problem , their words not mine. Yup guys thats right the whole world knew about what happened. I guess it wasn't the first time I had gone wild at a party but thats a completely different story. Anyway here I am sitting in American history , listening to this stupid man go on and on about the discovery of America. Who even cares all Im bothered about is what they'll be serving for lunch today. I opened up my textbook and got out my pen.

" Right class I want you to answer all of the questions on this page and team up in partners to do the extension project at the bottom of the page which will be graded," He stated.

He began pairing us up in partners. "Miss Perrie you will be with Mr Anderson" Who the hell was ' Mr anderson' Just because I had been in this class for over a month now it didnt mean I knew all the Losers who were in it. I turned around and was greeted by a pair of light brown eyes. Mr Anderson was hot.

" Hi I'm Damien. I guess were partners," He smiled.

" Er Well im Perrie and I guess we are,"

" I already knew your name but yeah it's nice to finally meet you Perrie," He said , A playful look in his eyes. Of course he knew my name the whole fricking school knew my name. I was the infamous wild child Perrie Henderson and to be honest most people here weren't exactly fans of mine so it was weird that he was being nice to me.

" Oh right , So you probably know about what happened ," I said.

" Well if you mean The suspension and alcohol poisoning then yes and I totally take your side for the suspension incident. Chelsea is a bitch and we can all get a little out of hand sometimes,"

Oh my god. This dude , this perfectly gorgeous amazing dude had just defended everything I did and he didnt even know me. Wow , hes a keeper.

" You're right there Chelsea is a complete and utter bitch ," I replied.

We both smiled at each other and I turned to look at the text book. "Well I guess we have an assignment to complete ," He said.

" Oh my gosh. You perrie Katherine Elizabeth Henderson actually like a guy," Julia gawked. I had told her all about Damien.

" I guess I do. I'm just surprised ive never seen him before . Its not like Riverside Bay is that big" I said.

" Not that big is an understatement Pez. We literally live in the tiniest town on the entire planet. And what about Nathan. He practically saved your life Perrie. Its so obvious that theres a connection between you both,"

I almost spat out my food.

" Me and Nathan do not have a connection. We never have and never will. I mean I am grateful for him saving my life but that does not mean we have a connection,"

"Say whatever you like but its so obvious," She said as Ben came to join us.

" Hey guys, good to see you back Perrie, Im really sorry I couldn't visit you in hospital i've been in New york for the past few weeks with my mom and shit. She had some important work to do there or something and I decided to go down to visit my dad," He explained to us.

Bens mom was the mayor of Riverside Falls and his parents were divorced. His dad lived in New york and he took whatever chance he could get to visit him.

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now