Cliffsheights and fear

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I rang julia up to tell her my plans.

" Are you INSANE . perrie let me tell you now there is absolutely no way in hell that I am going bunjee-jumping. sorry to break it to you but im not really looking for a way to die just yet and besides your grounded " She yelled down the phone .

Oh shoot I forgot about that. Well my parents went to work really early so I could probably sneak out. And I could just forge my parents consent form, how would they find out anyway ?

" Chill out dude . Ive got it all sorted ok ?! Just relax all you have to do is show up tomorrow at 10 am at my house and ill drive us there . Im begging you Julia please . We need to do something crazy for once . Its senior year baby ! "

I heard her sigh down the phone.

" Im so going to regret this but fine ill come with your stupid ass to the most stupidest thing on the planet . Do you know how insane and unsafe this is . We could die bitch , DIE ! "

" As if listen ive got to go my parents will be back soon ,"

" Ok bye text me the details ,"

" Bye "

The line went dead and I put my phone down. I heard my moms car pull up in the drive way and went downstairs . Her key turned in the door and she walked in. She was wearing her usual pant suit and her brown hair was up in a sophisticated bun. She was a lawyer. The best in town actually . The infamous Sharon Henderson . You see my mother was those kind of people who cared about what other people thought. She was always going on and on about respect and how I need to be more ladylike. I couldn't stand that bull crap. I don't mean to show off or anything but we were definitely well off. Our house was huge and I had my own Porsche. It was a christmas present ! My dad was a CEO of some high end company and also earned a lot . They had very high hopes for me and my brother.

" Perrie I hope you behaved today. Do you understand how embarrassing it is that my daughter got suspended from school. This is definitely the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to this family. I am so disappointed ," my mother said for the hundredth time this week .

" I know mother , I know "

" How in the world are you supposed to get in to an ivy league college now ?! Do you think education is some kind of joke. Your lucky you have your trust fund "

Ok so yes I did have a trust fund . I wasnt able to access it yet though since I was only seventeen but in two months I would have enough money to buy an island in the bahamas. Of course I didnt want to be like those stuck up rich kids thatjust took everything for granted so I didnt really like talking about all this money crap.

" Ok mother I get it , I swaer to god im going to do better in school. I know that i must be a sophisticated young lady and I will try my best to do everything I can to get into Yale. "

That entire sentance made me want to be sick , I mean how cliche did that sound but if I didnt say something to make her happy things would not be good . Trust me.

" You better do Perrie i'm sick of this . I swear to god one more embarrassment to me or anyone in this family your in trouble , "

" Ok now bye mother I have more important things to do then listen to your lectures , " I said as I ran up the stairs.


Ugh . I looked at my alarm it was 7 am. I had an hour before I needed to be ready. I quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I quickly got in to the shower.

After I showered I wandered into my walk in closet . What exactly do you wear benjee jumping ? I searched my closet until i came across some black skinny jeans and a plain black tee. I quickly got dressed and put on some lipgloss. I looked out the window and saw that my parents and brothers car was gone. I ran downstairs and grabbed a cereal bar. I pulled out my iphone from my pocket and saw a message from Julia reading on my way see ya soon . Just as I put my phione in my pocket I heard a knock on the door. To my surprise it was Alex.

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