Past girlfriends,Sibling rivalry and disappointed parents

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Nathans POV

I was waiting outside the principles office with Damien in one chair and Perrie in the other. Since she had been a witness in all of this she was here too. We were waiting for our parents to arrive. Well mine and Damien's. I had punched him pretty hard and my knuckles were bleeding but the damage done to his face was worse. Perrie was still shocked about what had happened. She didnt know Damien and I were half brothers but Im pretty sure she would in about five minutes.

Perries POV

I began playing with my hair whilst waiting outside the principals office. I had absolutely no idea why Nathan had punched Damien. Nathan hardly ever got violent. Only if someone had seriously p*ssed him off. All that happened was that Damien accidentally banged into Nathan and they had muttered some things that I couldn't hear very well. Something about a drunken mistake or whatever. I looked at them both and went back to playing with my hair. I couldnt read any of their faces but they were both pretty fuming. Just as I was about to break the awkward silence Nathans parents walked around the hall. They looked at Nathan with disappointment and looked at Damien with empathy. They smiled when they saw me and I did the same back. They both knocked on the principles door and waited for him to say come in before walking in.

After around five minutes they called us in. Where were Damien's parents?

" So I have told your parents about the violence you have used and I now come to believe that your both brothers" Principal Jackson stated.

I widened my eyes in shock. Brothers?! I looked at them both and only realised the similarities of them both. They both had brown hair and their facial structure was kind of the same. So thats why Mrs Evans divorced her first husband. He was cheating on her?! How could I not of realised they were brothers ? I looked back at the principal.

" I have no idea Mr Vanderson why you would such a violent thing to your own brother but that is beyond my knowing and I will only say this once again. Violence is not tolerated in this school and if such a thing is to happened again then I will have no choice other than to suspend you," He stated.

" We understand what has happened and we were are so terribly sorry for our sons behaviour and we will be sure to get to the bottom of this simple sibling squabble," Mrs Evans said with a smile.

" I should hope so," The principal retorted.

Nathan apologised.

" And you miss Henderson what exactly did you witness," Principal Jackson asked and all eyes turned to me.

" Erm well I was walking to class with Damien and he accidentally bumped into Nathan sir and they exchanged a few things I was unable to hear and that was it sir," I said truthfully.

" Ok then. As I said before this is your last warning Mr Vanderson," he stated.
Nathan nodded. I stared at the ground and began thinking about why in the world Nathan would punch his brother.
" You three are dismissed but I would like to talk to your parents about your grades Mr Vanderson so that is all," He said with an evil smile. Nathan muttered something under his breath and walked out the room with me and Damon following.
" Wait," I stopped Nathan and Damon.
They looked at me in confusion.
" You two are brothers?" I asked for clarification.
"Half," Nathan spat out. Damien gave him a cold stare.
" I have the feeling you aren't very fond of each other," I said.
" You got that right," Nathan said as he walked past us and went to his next class.
I stared at Damien.
" Not to be straightforward or anything but why does he seem to hate you," I asked.
" Trust me you don't want to know," He said and he began to walk away.
I grabbed his arm and made him to turn around.
"Please," I sighed.
He stared at me and nodded.
"Ok. Lets go to the school library and talk," He said. I nodded my head as we made our way to the second floor of the school were the library was located.

The library was empty besides a few kids who had a free period. We went to the back and Damien stares at me.
" Are you sure you want to know?" He asked.
I nodded and he sighed.
" Ok well last year me and Nathan were close. I lived in Los Angeles with my mom and dad. Nathan was visiting me for the summer. Everything was going great. He even had a girlfriend,"
" Wait-what? Nathan Vanderson had a girlfriend?" I asked in disbelief. Sure he had Chelsea but that was never a proper thing. They slept with other people and really didnt seem to care so I was shocked when he said that.
" Yeah. Him and Chelsea had broke it off and he had met someone. Her name was Savannah. She wasn't just some fling. Her and Nathan had a connection. They were like best friends even though they had only known each other for a summer. Then on the week before Nathan was due to come back to Riverside bae we went to this party in Beverly hills. It was wild. I got so drunk I had no idea what I was doing and neither did Savannah. We slept with each other. Nathan found out since we couldn't keep that kind of thing from him. Ever since he's hated me. I don't understand though. I know I slept with his girlfriend but that shouldnt be something that should wreck our relationship forever. He cant seem to let it go though and I have no idea why," He explained.
Wow. That was interesting to say the least.
" So you slept with this Savannah and he hated you for over a year?"
"Yup and thats what I'm saying. Why would someone,your own brother stay mad at you for over a year? There has to be something else he's not telling me you know," He stated and I nodded. That made sense.
" Well have you tried talking to him?"
" Yep but as I said he hates me and wont talk to me for more than ten seconds," he sighed.
I stared at him with sympathy.
" Well maybe I could talk to him. I mean we are kind of friends right. So maybe he will tell me why he hates you so much other then the fact that you slept with Savannah."
" Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to try but I doubt youll get very far with him," He told me.
I nodded my head.
" Ill try my best. Now lets get out of here before the bell goes for last period," I said.
He got up and I followed behind and we said our goodbyes and made our way to our next classes.



I hope you guys enjoyed this. I really tried my best to make this chapter as good as possible so thats why I took a little longer to update and I can assure you that there is more to the story as to why Nathan hates Damien. Please please please comment and vote guys ;)

Oh and I made a trailer for this story :D

Im not sure how to add it to the story though so if anyone knows please do comment down below

Love you all

( Not yet edited )

Picture on the side of Savannah who will by the way be talked about a lot in the next few chapters. The actor chosen for her is Lily Collins.

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now