New discoveries,High school drama and Skater skirts

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It had been three weeks since I had told Damien I would help him and I still havent had the courage to ask Nathan. I know its pathetic but I really did not know how to approach him and ask him. I mean its not like you can just go up to someone and say sorry I just wanted to know why you are having some major problems with your brother! I let out a sigh and hopped into the shower. Once I was done I curled my hair,applied my normal make up and put on a black skater skirt with a dark blue shirt which I tucked in. I put on my favourite black converse and went downstairs. Everyone had already left. My parents had gone to work and Alex had already made his way to school. His car had come out of repair about a week ago so that was s relief. I grabbed an apple and locked the front door behind me. I quickly opened my car and decided to take a quick stop at Starbucks. Since it was getting pretty cold out I ordered a peppermint hot chocolate to go. I quickly got my order,paid and went back to my car. It took me around 5 minutes to get to school since Starbucks wasn't that far away and this town was tiny. I re applied my lip gloss and jumped out of the car. I looked around the parking lot and found Julia and Ben.
" Hey guys," I greeted them.
" Perrie you're never going to believe what happened," Julia screamed.
"What,what happened did someone die?" I asked.
" Should I do the honours or do you want to?" Julia said to Ben.
" You guys are scaring me. Seriously?! What happened?" I asked.
" Ok so remember how their were rumours about me and Isabell Parker, Well I sort of kind of broke my virginity to her," Ben let out.
My eyes widened and I let out a breath I didnt know I had been holding. Ben was a virgin. Well only me and Julia knew that. I was shocked. He had always said he had been saving it for someone special and I guess he found her.
"What you, the only virgin boy senior remaining at Riverside Bae High finally lost his v card," I asked in disbelief.
"Yup," He said popping the P. His face was lit up and he looked happy to say the least.
"Isabel must be one hell of a girl then. We want details," I said as the bell rang to signal the start of school.
" Sorry got to go," Ben laughed.
" Your spilling everything at lunch," Julia said as he walked off.
I laughed and waved goodbye to Julia as she made her way to class to. I quickly went through the crowd of people and entered the doors to Riverside Bae high school A.K.A hell. I made my way to my locker and put away my stuff. Thankfully my first class of the day was just a few turns away from my locker. I ran to first period which was by the way my English Lit class. Nathan was in this class with me and maybe I would finally get the guts to ask him.
I walked into the class and took a seat at the back of the class next to Nathan's usual seat. As I got my English Lit textbook out I saw him walk in the classroom.
Followed by him was Mr Salvage. Our teacher.
Everyone took their seats.
" Ok so today class you are going to be doing an essay on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. You will need to read the book and then analyse it. This will count for 50% of your end of term grade and if I find anyone has copied and pasted off google which I will know,they will be straight away be getting an F. You may start reading today in class and you have until next Friday to hand it in,"

The whole class moaned in disappointment. I sighed And jotted down the assignment in my day planner.
" OnceI have handed out the copies of Romeo and Juliet you may start reading," Mr salvage said.
I sighed and turned around to Nathan.
" Hi," I let out a small smile.
" Hey per bear," He smiled.
" Erm Damien told me why you hate him so much," I blurted out. I mentally slapped myself. What a stupid thing to say. As if he's going to tell me anything now. His expression became unreadable.
" I bet he told you what he knows,didn't he," He sighed.
" Yeah about Savannah and him and you," I let out.
As he was about to reply Mr salvage's hand banged against the desk.
" Excuse mevmiss Henderson and Mr Vanderson if you have something to tell us please tell the whole class."
" No sir," We said in unison.
" Zip it and get on with it then,"
We nodded and started reading the book he had given us.
I start to yawn after five minutes of reading. It was so boring to me that it would of been a good bedtime story. Id be asleep in seconds. I felt someone tap me on the back. I turned and it was Nathan.
" What were you saying about before?" He whispered.
"Ill tell you later,"I replied.
He nodded and went back to reading. I did the same. I secretly took out my phone and put the romeo and Juliet book up to be sure he wouldn't catch me. No calls or texts. I groaned and slipped it back in my bag. I sat up and smoothed out my skirt and hair. After half an hour of ' reading ' the bell finally went. Thank goodness. I went out of the class and made my way to the IT room,which was my second period. It all the way across the building. I picked up my pace and started walking faster. I couldn't afford to be late. Five minutes later I was there. Just in time. since mrs Newman had first period free she was in the teachers lounge which meant she took at least five minutes to get to class. I took my usual place and looked out of the window in boredom.

Three periods later it was lunch. I waved over at Ben when I saw him. He still had details to tell me and Julia. She still hadnt arrived at lunch yet. Ben took his seat and I greeted him. i turned around when I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Nathan.
" Hi whats up?" I asked him.
" I need to talk to you," he ordered.
" Erm ok," I said.
I waved goodbye to Ben and followed Nathan out of the cafeteria. He walked inside the elevator and I followed.
" Where are we going?" I asked.
" Somewhere," he replied.
I sighed softly. The elevator opened and we got out. He went through a small blue door on the corner. we went up a few steps and it was safe to say I had never been there before. I followed him up the steps until he opened up a door and I realised we were on the school roof. He helped me up and it was actually pretty nice. There were plants up here and it was actually quite nice.
" This is a great view and all but arent students forbidden to go on the roof?" I asked.
" Yes. yes they are," He simply replied.
" Nathan if I get in any more trouble im dead. like literally dead."
" Chill out no one comes up here anyway. It will be fine," He let out.
"Why do you even come up here?" I asked.
" It gives me room to think. Its quite,theres no body here and who's going to think of coming on the school roof to find me,"
" True," I said as I sat down on the rock hard cement beneath my feet.
He sat down too and Smirked at me.
" So why did you call me here," I asked him.
" Well You told me earlier that you knew about why Damien and I arent exactly on the best terms," He let out.
I nodded.
" Well what exactly did he tell you?" He questioned.
" He just told me when about a year ago you went to visit him in L.A and when you were dating Savannah. And then he told me about him and her accidentally hooking up," I said the last part quieter then the first. I swear I saw a look of hurt and sadness flash across his face but it was too late to double check.
" Is that all he knows," he asked.
I nodded.
" It seems like that," I let out.
" She really didn't tell him did she?" He said more to himself then me.
" Tell him what?" I asked.
He shook his head.
" Forget it," He said.
" No if theres something your hiding from him he deserves to know. You cant just keep hating your brother when he doesn't even know what hes done. He doesn't deserve that even if he did sleep with her," I said in a demanding tone.
" You really wanna know," he shouted.
"Yes," I shot back.
" Leave it," He said and got up and turned away.
" Dont you walk away from me Nathan. Stop being an immature brat and sit your ass back down," I shouted as I stood up.
" Me being an immature brat! Look at you! Toying me around like im a play doll when your starting a thing with my brother," He screamed.
I stared at him stunned.
" What I-I didnt know you thought of me that way,"
" Well now you do so quit playing me around Perrie because quite frankly ive had enough! Go back to Damien and have fun with him. Sleep with hin for all I care because I dont give a shit anymore. Im done. Im so F*cking done," He shouted and ran down the stairs back to the main part of the school.
I sat down and felt a tear fall down my cheek. I hastily brushed it away and stood up. Nathan was wrong. I wasn't toying him around. Was I? I stood up and brushed down my skirt. More tears fell down my cheek and I brushed them away. My face was red from all the shouting and my eyes were watery. My mascara was probably smudged since I wasnt wearing Waterproof mascara. I made my way back to the main part of the school. As I was walking down the stairs I decided to ditch the rest of the day. I wasnt in the mood for anymore p*ssing around. I sighed and quickly went through the corridors and rushed to the front part of the school. I went through the big doors that lead to the parking lot. I got in my car and drove off. I decided to go home. More tears were falling down my cheek and I didn't know why. Nathan's words had hurt. They had hurt deeply. He made me feel like some kind of slut. I mean seriously his brother! It wasn't my fault though. Its not like I knew they were related. I brushed my hair behind my ears. I looked straight ahead and carried on driving home.


Thanks for all the reads guys! It means so much 😊 I know the chapters quite short but its better then nothing right !
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Love you all x

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