Chap-26 Spending time with daddy(3)

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Just when I was done sorting out my thoughts you popped up Mr slow poke. What buisness do you have with me?

You are going out on the eve event. There are high chances that you might meet Jennete and Ijekial. Hid from them. It won't be good if you meet Jennete at this time. Meet her on your debutante only. If you hide from her, till the time she goes home, then this side quest would be completed, if not, you would fail. Its because Jennete has a bug, which you originally had to fix.

Oh ok! I don't want to fix the bug when I m 7. I would do it when I become 14. I would hide from today. Now start the map to show Jennete's position.

The map in front of my eyes start and shows that Jennete is on eastern corner of the fair.

"Shall we go?" Asked Claude and with my best smile I said "Yes".

We soon reached the fair with Papa's teleportation magic, wow, its a lot faster and graceful than my magic.
"I heard that there are many games in the eastern corner"said Claude" So shall we---".
"No", Jennete was still in the eastern corner. "Papa, let's start with the west",  I heard that there are many beautiful things there.
" Its your day, we would do as you wish. " We came to the western corner. Wow, it was so beautiful, it had bird merchants from all over the empire, seriously, this event really is something.
"Daddy let's explore more" saying so, I leave his hands, and walk more ahead looking at those birds, I felt like, I m in heaven, how can these birds be so beautiful. Wow.

I want this one, I would tell daddy. "Daddy I - huh? Where is he? Where am I? I'm lost?" I suddenly remembered that I left his hand at the sight of these birds. Oh shit. I did better find him soon, otherwise get ready for getting scolded by daddy, Athy. But where should I go?


Sorry, I can only show one person at a time.

Useless. Shut off.

Let me back to the place, where I was,maybe daddy would still be there.
I return back to the place, where daddy was last holding my hand. Oh no he's not here, it's not like I can't go back to the palace without daddy, but I m worried that daddy would be worried about me and given his temperament, he might even reveal himself and go on a rampage destroying, whole of the fair. Oh my goodness, what should I do. I start running haphazardly to find him, not paying attention to the map. I have to find him before he goes on a rampage.
Huh? Did I just come to a small garden, near the area of the fair? It's still god, because this garden isn't in a very good condition, so many people won't be here anyways, let me just use magic telepathic communication like daddy taught me to contact him and give him details of my current place. In this world, there are many kinds of magic that were not shown or told in the novel. Its a new and nice fact. Let's see. Huh? Whose that?

Uwaaah, is this what you call born to be a FL? Wow. Just look at the level of cuteness, it's just out of this world.

"Jennette,we should leave now", and here comes Mr Whitey. Out of all the people? No he shouldn't see me. I hide in between the bushes. From the looks of it, Jennette is not willing to go. But again, the Duke started scolding her, so she has to leave. Oh Mr, a mere Duke can't scold Athanasius's daughter ok? How have you been living till now Jennette? If it would have been me... Again, she's a mentally 7 year old girl and that too she doesn't have any backing like I have of Claude. So she can't. Well lets leave her be. Let me go to...
Congratulations 🎉
You completed your side quest, Jennette has already left for home. You get music skills as you reward.
What should I do with it?
Sing it in the square where the talent show is going dumb ass. Claude is near that area. You would find him too.
And with that the lost first princess leaves the beautiful garden.

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