Chapter:- 32 The emperor's day (4)

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Please! Some one save!

*Gasp* "Lucas...."
"Hey princess."

"Wahhh! Lucas please save me please I'm very scared, I can't use my magic waahh! Pleaseee help me Lucas"

"Calm down princess woa woa", lucas tried to coax me,"it's ok now let me get you back, by the way, who would have tried to kidnap you? Do you know?"
"Nadiana empire...oh yeah lucas how did you find me?"
"Not too long ago, I ate the thing you gave me for being your playmate, so I replenished my mana and though I had reminents of your mana from that beast, I was easily able to find you. "
"Hm, lucas remove this thing."
"Yeah. Huh?"
"What happened?"
"This magic restraint on your neck not only restraints your magic but also absorbs your mana. Hence, you would feel slight dizziness and weakness once this thing is removed. Its usually used on political mage prisoners. But the fact is if it's not removed in time, then the person having this restraint might die. If I was a bit late, then you might have died. But now I'm here and would remove it, then you won't die and eventually, your mana would be replenished within some months. You would be able to use your magic properly in a year. I would now remove this restraint."
"Yes" what Lucas said was right. I felt weakness after he removed the restraint. I couldn't even feel mana inside my body anymore. It was a little more than 0. If he would have delayed more, then, I would have died. Lucas I owe you my life.

I just hope that I would return to daddy once all this is over. Why is it that, I m never able to use my powers. I always get into trouble and create problems for the rest. Why the hell can I never get out of situations at my own accord, why do I invite more problems when I solve things at my own disposal. Why the hell am I so useless?

I was lost in thoughts when Lucas flicked my head. "Don't think so, you are only 6 though you know your future and are trying to avoid it, but you still physically and mentally lack experience. There are some things, you should leave for us adults. Nobody can do anything which is perfect, they need help to make things perfect. Moreover, you don't create troubles for us, you try to solve things at your own accord and create paths for the adults to solve an unforeseen problem. For eg:- you fought with that princess at the party and inturn created a chance for our empire to avoid the problem of rebel of the second most largest empire. You could also say, you increased our empire's territory. So never ever think like that again princess."

He hugs me so as to calm me and my running thoughts down(doesn't kiss)

" Just go with the flow and create more opportunities for us adults. Now let's go to DADDY." 

Lucas you make me love you. No wonder you are the most awesome male lead. I love you Lucas.

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