Chap-40 Meeting with Ijekiel

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"Duke if you are so gutsy,then why talk with me? Go to daddy if you want it to happen because lucas was chosen by father emperor itself

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"Duke if you are so gutsy,then why talk with me? Go to daddy if you want it to happen because lucas was chosen by father emperor itself. Let's go Lucas."

"I apologise princess, I have shown you a very shameful side of mine to you. But still I would ask you to reconsider. We worry about you, pri-"

"My father emperor is there to worry about me, I don't need a greedy Duke to do the same."

"...I understand"

I ignore him and go with Lucas to continue the walk. After some distance, I broke the silence,"geez, Ijekiel is so much more dignified than him. God! He's so much more intelligent and good in looks."

"If you want him so much, then go see him..."
But before I knew I was already in air. "Aaahhhhh", uff. This red eyed bastard, I would kill him once I get back.
*Boom* oh did I fall on a cushion? My eyes were closed all this while. Should I open them? No what if it's some person? Better use magic...I first use magic before opening my eyes to change my eye colour to normal blue.
Then I open my eyes. Oh my God! This...this...this...


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Shit I blurted it out loud. Fuck.

" excuse me, miss? Angel?"
I have all kinds of reactions from tsundere reactions to embarrassed reactions to not interested girl reactions, but his shy reaction is just so so so cuuuutteeeeeeee. I want to pinch his cheeks after seeing other men's faces for 7 years, this child's reaction is like a refreshment in summer.

"Are you an angel? M'lady?"

Kawai kawai kawai.

"Could you please get up? Father would scold me if my clothes get dirty from mud on my back."

"Oh ah yes sorry."

"Um so my lady is an angel?"

"No I'm a wizard but wasn't able to control my magic so... Oh yeah, my name is angel but. Well, sorry for the interruption , I would..."

"Um lady angel, would you please give me some company? I'm lost in my own garden. Could you send me back, if it's not too much...oh but you might be busy so..."


"Ac...actually...I came to this new house a week ago, so I don't know much about this house so...*sobs sobs sobs* I'm so sorry. "

Geez he's still a child afterall,he might feel scared when yelled at. No one's in the castle is a a child, all are adults,me and lucas included I shouldn't have yelled, moreover its his new house.

"I would send you back, provided you won't tell anyone about this. Ok?"



"Who's she?"

"Jennete, my father's distant cousins daughter, she just came yesterday but knows all the mansion."

Intelligent, as expected of the ML and FL. Good chemistry. Fuck I need to hide.

"Listen, I m hiding, don't ever mention about me and when that chimera comes, go with her and tell you father about your mistake. Ok?"

Its always good to take a scolding for your mistakes in order to not repeat it again. Moreover, it won't be good if he hides things from such a young age.

"But father..."

"He won't kill you for your mistake and would also ensure that you don't repeat getting lost it again. Just tell him."

"O ok"

I hide behind some bushes. I hope he doesn't figure who I am. He should be silent about this. Oh here comes Jennete. Hmm I think, Jennete is calming him down and ther they go.


System, teleport me to the palace...

As you wish...

"Ahhhhhhh", not flying again...ufff... Huh? Who caught me? No.

"Daddy", where am I but? Huh? Garden... Was he taking a walk? Felix is also here and he too looks surprised that's an expected reaction. Thank god , not in the court or in someone else's arms. I'm safe, I'm in dad's arms.

"You used teleportation again? You know right, you can't use that magic properly? If I were not here, you would have gotten hurt

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"You used teleportation again? You know right, you can't use that magic properly? If I were not here, you would have gotten hurt."

"Actually, I was practicing, this teleportation magic with Lucas, who's also a magician, but when I said I wanted a demo, for that he used teleportation magic on me and sent me to the Alpheus residence, no body saw me there, so I was safe and returned here with my crooked teleportation. I would practice in a much more safe environment and with other magicians the next time. I promise daddy. Are you unhappy?"

"Yes I'm, firstly, if you wanted to learn teleportation, you could have asked me, just because Lucas saved your life, it doesn't mean he's the best. Second, I'm never busy for you, so you can come to me anytime you want and third, I'm a bit happy that you didn't hide the truth from me."

Its half truth but I feel sad for half lie. Should I say him the truth?
I should. "Um daddy, actually the truth is..."
I said the truth to him, I was expecting a scolding but he said it was ok. And that it was nobody's fault. So he would let it pass this once.
Lucas was grounded in the tower for a week and though Felix was present at the time I was talking to daddy after being teleported, I heard that Lucas got scolded from Felix a bit for 'exposing princess to harm '.  Hehe... U deserve it Lucas. If I would fall, I would take you to hell ride too. So bastards know whose the bith boss. Hahaha....

I Got Reincarnated As Athanasia In Who Made Me A Princess With A System SoftwareDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora