slut -2

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Aahna :

"Bring her with us girls. " two girls immediately hold my hand and start to drag me.

It's almost time for class hence no one was in sight and even they were no one would have helped me anyways. This time I don't repulse or retaliate . I just walk calmly with them and soon found myself in one of a classroom which looked as if it's rarely used. They throw me up on the stage where teachers stand and they go and sit back on the bench in front, groaning in pain with the impact of falling across I steadily stand up.  Holding my arms around me I look up to them for what they'll do next.

" You know , I wouldn't have done that to you or Atleast not to this level but my fiancee seems to have a sudden interest in his new scapegoat and I hate when attention which is just for me is divided. "

She jumps up on the ground and start to walk towards me.

" We're engaged since we were 15 . And he never showed any interest in any other girl which kept my mind at peace but you.....  You seem to be very interesting to him and that pisses me off. " her manicured nails scraps from my forehead to chin. Scratching the skin near the cheeks. Must've drawn some blood out.

Grabbing my chin, pressing her fingers hard on it she says,  " What do they all see in you? "

Stepping back she scans me from head to toe.

"Girls help her out of her clothes and ask Danny to come here. I might just need a second opinion on what she has which is interesting him. "

" What.... What are you saying? "

I know she's a psycho but to this level.

One of the girl comes forward and her hands grasps my button of shirt.

Dread fills me.

Second girl calls someone.

" Don't dirty yourself . Use scissors. "

Suddenly a scissor cuts my shirt straight , splitting up all the buttons to fly over.

" Are you crazy! " I shout and try to bring my hands around me to cover myself.

Having stayed all my life in India,  we're never exposed to this level,  wearing shorts is crime.  I'm confident enough of my body but showing it off to someone else is some I've never done or felt comfortable to do so. But both the girls hold my hands away from shielding myself. Annalisa shrugs my shirt off. Leaving me only in my bra.

I've stopped crying after the age of 8 , I never spelled a tear after that age. Not on the day I was beaten to dead or the day I failed for the first time or when my parents abused each other physically or on many more occasions but this was taking a toll on my limits.

Suddenly the door opens and boy comes rushing in by looks it looked as if he ran here all the way.

" Danny,  great timing. Tell me now,  whats special about her?"

The boy didn't met my eyes nor did his eyes once went over my body I was so thankful for it.

" Dint just stand there,  have a look . Do you want me to cut her bra and pants off too? " my eyes must've been of size of the fucking  globe.

" Do that and find your eyeballs rolling on floor,  Danny boy. " Christian emerges from behind him.

" Leave Danny boy and thank you for the tip. " the boy nods his head and leaves.

" You two leave if you want to live. " the girls rushed off.

" Annalisa. This was beyond anything you've done and hence you'll pay for it. But since you're my best friends fiancee let me give you a chance to stop it. "

" What the hell did you do,  chris"

" Nothing major,  just the videos of you shagging the freshman's are going to be uploaded in max five minutes. If you can go stop it. Reach the third building in five minutes , you'll find a boy.  Ask him to stop. Or else. "

" I'll repay you back for this Chris. " she threw a acid glare at me and rushed off.

Christian didn't looked over me for once. He just removed his shirt and handed me over.

" Thank you. "

After I changed he walked over me. Grabbed my chin making me look up at him.

A smiles graces his face and it's the most genuine expression I've ever seen on his face.

" So much happened and still no tear. You're something else princess. Next time stand up when someone calls you that S word. No girl is that . No one is deserving enough to be called that.  Every girl is Queen for someone, Remember that. Get some cream. "

Caressing my cheeks he left.


Thank you

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