Meeting Mr. Heinrich

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Aahna :

The settling in our new house was tough. Some stuff here was out of our league we didn't knew how to use half of it . Leaving our whole life without any latest technology or luxury we weren't introduced to such objects. But thanks to the only smart phone in our house of my mother that we google half of it and rest we tried to figure out ourselves. We did settle in one week's times.

My mom was to join her post as a waitress in a high society restaurant. It's sure needed English but the person my mom was recommended by made it clear that she'll only serve and clean and any other job than to speak or take orders. The pay was high and satisfying.  Enough for us to live normally. But I didn't wanted to completely lay my confidence in a person I never met. I was ruined to trust anyone.

So after a week of settling in and having three weeks before I start school I started job hunt.  One thing I like about foreigners is that they don't judge if a person is working as cleaners or whatever they respect it unlike my place. Where it's a high saying that no work is big or small but everyone is judged and respected on the basis of their income.

My mother did not started until next week so I started my part of hunting. Being new to the town I didn't knew anyone here or how things work here. I started to explore and saw some vacancy or person needed boards. But some had long lines for interviews and some had already had taken.

I was tired by the noon and thought of having a break, seeing I did not have much money on me.  I went to a Shop and searched for the cheapest beverage that was a plain tea.

I didn't had a drop of liquid and my body was tired so carefully holding my cup I made my way to a vacant seat by the end of a window.

My torn jeans and long used sweater did grabbed some attention but I was used to it. The seat however was reached only by passing through the entrance door so as I was walking the door chimed indicating someone just came. I turned a bit so the person could walk by but instantly someone grabbed my elbow causing the tea to fly over and fall on the person beside.

Everything felt as in a slow motion,  I turn to see the damage when I met with emerald green eyes dripping with tea over his head and all over his shoulders,  making his jacket wet. He had his mouth open in shock causing few droplets to fell in his mouth and I don't know what possessed me to laugh my ass out on the person.

He just looked so funny with tea dripping on him and his mouth opened in shock that look itself made me laugh.

My laughter died down when I saw the panic on everyone present in the shop.  Almost everyone was curious and panicked.

Suddenly the person behind the counter whim I assume was the owner came rushing towards him with paper towels and tissues and started to wipe him  ,continuing saying sorry.

All the time his eyes were on me.

At the moment I knew I did something very foolish but now what can I do to rewind it. Nothing.

After the commotion died,  he snapped his heated gaze to me after saying the lady it's okay and to get away from him.

He walked to me in a slow predator way.

He grabbed my elbow almost painfully now,  '' Do you have any idea how much this jacket cost? "

Now that I've a closer look I see the material and it sure is one rich thing.  Not that I've ever wore anything like this before but it was far more better than my old clothes.

I gulp down.  One week and I'm already in debt.

" Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do so. It was all reflex. Someone grabbed me and I just dropped the cup.  I'm so sorry.  I pay for the washing. Please leave me.  I'm new here and I don't want any problems please. "

" It can't be helped love,  you're already in trouble. " with that he walked away.

Leaving me in utter confused, with his words.

Something about him drawn me to him but I knew better he smelled dangerous and ofcourse everyone oozed of fear when he was in the premise .

I just hope I never meet that guy ever again


Thank you

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