Slut -1

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Lily Collins as Emerald Swans



Aahna :

" Olly,  my boy. Come have some fun.  " the guy holding me said.

His hands were now gazing upwards from my waist and I stiffened for what was he about to touch.

" Leave the girl, D. She's a friend of mine and this is the last time I'm telling you to stop calling me That. " the intensity of his words made a shock down my spine,  the guy immediately let's me go and I stand up making safe distance from everyone of them.

Meeting up his eyes I see it already waving over my choice of attire and I suddenly felt so wrong wearing these clothes. Tugging somewhat I could to keep my modesty I bend my head.

" Please ask one of the strippers to  have a drink with you. Do enjoy. " I wanted to smash all of their heads to the near by window but I refrained myself the need of money making my initial thoughts freeze.

Again I see the guy who on the same day helped me twice to save myself from the perspective assaults.

" Thank you once again for saving me again. " I know I won't get any response in return so without wasting time I move to the next table.

My hands were down in fist. The repeatation if morning events on the same day made a mark on my brain cells. All I could think was of certain someone forcing him on me and what would've actually happened if it weren't for Oliver. I really owe him for this.

"Would you like to have wine we personally made sir? "


" You sure don't want to stay for drinks,  Evia? " I look up from my place.

Putting the sweater over my head I shake my head at her once again. I was all set to leave.

"Happy anniversary though. " becks was a stripper here and Laila was her girlfriend. They were celebrating their first year anniversary and wanted me to stay but I was already late because if the late shift. There were more customers then usual and I had to work for extra hours. I don't mind as long as I get paid for it.

" Bye! "

Clutching the sweater closer to me,  saving myself from the harsh cold air outside. I anxiously rub my arms to get whatever warmth I could get at the moment. The club is just three blocks away from my home so it's a easy trip.  Even though the neighborhood is not promising it's safe for the ones living here.

Suddenly a coat is wrapped around my shoulders,  looking up I see Oliver.

" You? "

" Don't give me that look,  I'm doing it for Em. She'd hate knowing I let you walk alone at this hour. " I nod my head at him.

All the way to home he walked to safe yet close distance from me. The air around us was comfortable. No words were exchanged but I felt good to be around him.

I stop once my house comes in view. Shrugging the coat off I proceeded to give it back when he says.

" Keep it. It probably must smell like you now so just keep it. Now go in  . I need to sleep and it's a long drive from here. "

" Good night. "

I watch as he walks away. Everyone was asleep. I tip toed to my room and slept without changing. Exhaustion already taking over.


First thing I'll do after getting my paycheck is to buy a cycle for me,  having a daily trip with Emerald  feels as if I'm using her. Now we were on our way to lockers.

" Don't worry about them disturbing you today.  I'll be with you all day. I got my schedule changed yesterday. " Em says with a reassuring smile and I wonder how my luck got so good to have a friend like her.

" Thanks Em. "

" Wait whos coat is that?  Oh my... Oliver wore the same coast yesterday and when he came back -" she looks at me shocked.

" Were you two together? "

" Huh!  What no no no. He helped me yet again and then walked me home as it was late and kinda gave me his coat because it was cold and I brought to give it back. " she still looked confused so I told her in detail.

Understanding crosses her face.

" He gave it you. Keep it Ana.  Indeed wear it. It's freezing here and you have no coats. " she drapes the coat over me.

These siblings are too good for this world.

"It's still time before first lecture. Wait here. I'll just have a trip to washrooms. " she sprinted off causing me to laugh at her antics.

" Well, well,  well. If it isn't miss charity case. That's a expensive coat-wait. That's my cousins coat. Shagging him as well along with my fiancee ?"

I look shocked at her words. This girl has no filter whatsoever.

" Let's show this slut what happens to girls who steal others man. "

I can feel what is coming next.

Thank you.

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