Mommy Issues

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Aahna :

I stood frozen .

I wanted to move , trust me I wanted to move when those thugs got their hands around him .

I wanted to move when she hit him hard on his face .

I wanted to move when he looked over me , tears glistening but a sad smile on his face .

I wanted to move when he mumbled a sorry for ruining the date , first date.

I wanted to move to check if my brothers are alright.

I wanted to move but I couldn't.

I don't know how long I stood there . I don't know how long tears kept cascading down my face . I don't know when it turned too dark . I don't know anything until a familiar figure rushed to me.

Christian throws his jacket around me and only now I felt the coldness on my skin .

He's mumbling something but I can't focus .

He taps my face , once then twice then thrice and suddenly I'm shaken off .

" She....she took him....she slapp..." I choked on my words .

He pulls me in for a hug .

" I know , princess , I Know. Can down . He's okay . He called me sneakily and told me to pick you up . He's sorry for spoiling today . He said he'll meet you soon and not to give up ."

We stood there hugging for what felt likes hours before he made me walk to his car and we sat there . It was 4:00 in the morning.

I stayed out so long . I wonder if my parents noticed my absence , would they care ?

Suddenly I'm shocked .

" My brothers-''

" Don't worry I've my men over your house . They're sleeping peacefully. " I slumped back in his car .

" I put him in trouble didn't I ?" My voice wavers .

He chuckles .

" You're the anchor who's currently saving him from drowning. He had given up on his life but you made him fight for himself . If anything you're giving him something he has always wanted , affection and care !"

I still wasn't convinced.

"You know I hated you because you had it all . Even though you're parents have issue you had a moment with them . You've your siblings with you but we ? We had no one Aahana ! We were just always surrounded by nannies and bodyguards who faked affection for money . Hence I loath people like you . But you proved me wrong !' he smiles at the end .

" You thought me that it doesn't matters if you're rich or poor , if you're parents don't know parenting youre pretty much going be unstable ."

I give a small smile at that . It's true .

" My father never loved the women you met  . He loved my mother but because she was from a poor family he couldn't marry her . To protect her he married the women my grandmother selected. Till date I am not allowed to meet her . "

Ouch !

And here I thought I had it rough .

"Zeenat is that womens child though , she's nothing like her . She wants Zeenat to become the new ruler and I had nothing to do with being a ruler so I gave up which made Kevin , my blood brother mad and hence this drift between us ."

" You already know how Emerald and Oliver lost their parents and were forced to live with abusive and uncaring Aunt ."

I was quiet . I'm not good at telling people what's right and wrong .

So I said what I thought is appropriate.

" Well you're not alone . Guess we all have mommy Issues ?" I say to lighten up the mood and it works .

" Let's get you home , mmm ?" I nod and look out of the window .

Wondering what fate has in store for me and Edward.

Thank you

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