Our forever ......

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Aahna :

I winced as I tenderly opened my eyes .

I felt as if my lower region was on fire .

I groan as I felt my neck parched .

" Oh God......she's waking up !'' I heard a voice and wince again at the loudness . Immediately a pain springs up my head .

" Doctor !"

I feel some hands touching mine and I winced each time .

" Her vitals are normal , she will feel some pain but we have already given her painkillers . She might have a concussion because of the hit on her head and mild amnesia chances are there . Can you tell me your name sweetheart ?" His voice was calm .

I didn't knew my eyes were open until he asked me the question.

" A...ahna" my throat was dry .

" That's good . Do you remember how you got here ?" His question made me confused .

I remember going to the party and then dancing then Edward confronted his mother and then, I was...

I feel the panic rise again as some machine starts to beat loudly and before I Know I was again asleep with haunting thoughts of wandering hands on me .


It was night time when I woke again .

Pushing myself up I felt a bit better than before . Grabbing the water on the stand I gulped it all down in one go .

Now finally filled I looked around to see . Emerald and Zeenat were here . Sleeping on the couch . Zeenats head was on Emerald and her hands were wrapped around her . It made me smile . And then a question popped up .

Where's Edward ? Why isn't he here ? Is ....is he ashamed of me ? Does he no longer wants me ? I mean I can understand that . But it hurt , it wasn't my fault !

A quiet sob wrecks it's way out startling both girls .

" Aahna !" They rushed to me and soon I'm in pairs of hands . Pushed up against a chest , comfort floods through me .

I cry for what felt like ages before letting go .

" Oh ! Love it wasn't your fault and for your information they're all behind bars . Christian made sure none of them escaped even Annalisa !" Zeenat speaks .

I try to speak , my appreciation and concern . That I wasn't concerned about it but Edward .

" Baby I'm so sorry , I should have been there for you . What sort of best friend I'm ?" Her own eyes leaked tears and I immediately throw my arms around her .

" It wasn't your fault either . They're just bunch of stupid assholes with Rich parents thinking it gives them liberty to do whatever they wish . I won't beat myself over it and neither are you . I'll make sure they don't do this to another ." My voice was surprisingly calm.

I trusted Myself to throw a fit . Yes , I felt disgusted with myself but at the end of the day I didn't asked for it .

They took their bullying to another level and it's all on them.

I will make them pay for it .

But right now I want to know who's there with me .

" Where is Edward ?" I'm met with silence.

It was nerve-wracking. My insides churn. I felt insecure. So he really left me . He gave me up. My throat clogged up but I held it in . I can't be weak .

" It's not what you think-'' I cut Em off .

" Well it definitely looks like it . Why isn't he here then ? Am I not worth anything for him ? He left me the chance he got . I should have known better than to trust him . Once an asshole always an asshole . How could I love him ? I'm so stupid !"

" He's fighting for himself , A !" Zeenat shout with tears in her eyes . Emerald was no better.

My heart dropped at that .

" W...ha..t?"

" He's mother was poisoning him , A . He fought for you . The moment we saw you were missing we break up to find you when Oliver saw Annalisa leave the storage . We rushed in and saved you . He was fighting with David when a blow landed on his ribcage and it wasn't that strong , seeing David was badly bruised but that ended up knocking Edward out !"

With one blow ? Poison ? Knock out ?

" We brought him here with you and his results aren't the best . His organs are failing Aahna ! He has counting days left ! He's dying ! He still loves you " she breaks down .

But all I could think was of him .

I just got him .

We just fell for each other.

I needed him.

He's dying .

I should have trusted my guts.

I can't loose him .

I can't let him go.

With that thought I rushed out of there . IV drips falling off my hands , all machine falling and what not but all I could think was what Zeenat said .

He has counting days left , he's dying !

Thank you

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