Ghost of Past

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Aahna :

The kiss was nothing like I imagined but nevertheless the chance to kiss your crush was something over the top .

Soon we pulled back to grasp for breaths . His eyes never left mine and I could feel the embarrassment coming up as my cheeks flared up red .

I bit my lips and he's hands immediately stopped me from doing so .

He's voice was heavy and breathless making me squirm a bit.

" Don't do that ..... Please don't..........unless you want me to kiss them again .!" I immediately stopped, how can he be so blunt .

And to think it all started with a Damm kiss.

There was a heavy silence not the normal one were we just appreciated each others presence. I knew he wanted to say something but I don't know what.

" Zeenat was really innocent when she came here . Just like you . Hence , Edward immediately hated you because you reminded him of her . I could see the similarities myself but as I got to know I learned there's more to you . A girl so selfless yet so brave , you're amazing and to think you endure all this for your brothers future makes this so much more worthy . Making you worthy ." I felt the tear brimming.

No one has ever made me feel like I'm doing right . My parent's never told me how good I'm , all I've ever heard from their mouth is curses and how I shouldn't have been born . No one has ever complimented me for my doing not that I need it but once in a while it feels good to know someone cares for you .

" I fell for her maybe I still am madly in love with her , we got together . We're cool me her , Edward, Christian . But suddenly things started to change as she started to attend more parties with me . She started to change her nature and everything about her . She got out of her hijab and started to wore shorts not that I minded but it was just not her and I knew she was changing for others not me .'' his voice held pain .

I don't know if knows or not but he still is in love with her , if her action still irks him but I kept quiet and peaceful heard what he had to offer .

" It created problems between us , we started to drift apart and one day it was the last day for everything. I lost my love and best friends that day . There was this party and I wasn't there I had a good fight with her about it in the morning, I started to feel bad and hence I thought I should make it up and left for the party !"

He clenched his hands in fist as if remembering that night was a torture in itself . He hates that night that could be seen . I softly place my hands on his .

" I wasn't ready to see that , to see him fucking her while she consented to it . I saw my best friend fucking my girlfriend. I was broken , Aahna . I broke .

I didn't hit Edward not did I shout at Zeenat I just fell down on my knees and let out the loudest sob I could ever . They immediately stopped and both looked shocked but that wasn't where it stopped . There was Christian rushing towards me , he wasn't shocked to see what shocked me but to see me there . I felt nail piercing my heart . I couldn't breathe . I needed to get out and I left ."

A lone tear left his eyes and my heart broke into millions. How could they ?

" Let's just say we were never the same again . We all fell apart and today I kissed you . I kissed the girl who made Edward fall hard . I thought of it as a revenge at first but I can't help but feel something for you too . I know you're worth the fight  an this time , I'm fighting him for my happiness. He can't take another person I care for away from me ."

He pulled me in for a tight hug, my heart froze at his words .

I'd have love to hear those words a few days earlier but now I'm not that sure anymore.

I'm not sure .

Thank you


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