Longing of hearts

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Aahna :

If anyone ever suggested me about long distance dating I'm so killing them .

It's been almost two weeks since I've last seen Edward.

He's stuck at his home as his mother isn't allowing him to leave and for studies it's all home tutored .

I sigh yet again as I see Emerald and Christian bantering yet again , this time about if pineapple belongs on pizza or not.

Honestly I don't mind it ! Pineapple do taste good .

" Hey look , there " Chris snaps at us and motions somewhere, we follow his line of vision and see .

" Is.....is that your brother and Zeenat ?" I ask my voice came out a bit too happy .

" Fin- fucking -lly ! Took them long enough !"

Emerald answers her own face adoring with a smile . Just them Oliver Pulls Zeenat close and soon they're making out in the middle of hallways.

The cafeteria and students around  them  start to cheer and the loudest one ?

Of course , Christian.

" All this couples around me is making me miss him even more " I say to no one in particular.

They both look at me with those weird ass smiles and I immediately dashed out before they again start to tease me about it .

Well fuck them . I'm concerned about him . He left that way . Yes ! He's keeping in contact with small letters through me but that can only so much satiate me .

Before I Know my feet takes me to my locker and I tentatively open it to reveal the stash of small chits he have send me .

Guess who's the messenger ?

Our Maths teacher ! Shocking I know , I was shocked as well.

First day when he stopped me I was sacred that my marks are low or something but he very shyly removes a chit and clears his throat.

Again , I thought the worse of it and looked at him alarmingly.

Ready to call someone but then he must've made out my thoughts as he panics and throws his arms up in surrender.

" It...it's Master Edwards letter to you . He told me to give -" I grabbed it and rushed out there muttering a small thank you.

Since then he's doing the same thing daily .

I took them out and start to read .

It's just the first day and I'm already counting seconds. I miss you . Hold on for me . -1

I heard a boy sat next to you , who wasn't me . Richard is great man to keep eyes on someone . Tell that boy off or it won't end good for him . I had a crappy day , hopes yours went well ? -2

Red suits you . Don't be creeped , I'm the trustees son , they won't argue with me about cctv . The more I saw you the more I wanted to pull you in my arms -3

I'm officially going crazy . I heard from Richard that Emerald and Christian are making fun of you ? Don't worry we'll make them jealous baby , just let me come back !-4

I talked to my father today . He couldn't respond but he was happy or so I thought . It felt good . You give the best advises -5

She's getting anxious you know . My birthday is just round the corner and yet she has nothing on her name . She's doing her best but I won't melt , I have something to fight for this time -6

It seems the time alone gave me time to think how much of an asshole I was to you . I swear the moment we meet again . I'm never leaving you again ; I'll bring the Stars for you if you asked .-7

One week had been past just few more days . You're holding on so strongly . I was right when I liked you . Im with a warrior -8

Heard Christian and Oliver had appointed man's for your families safety . Hope it gave you peace . -9

I can't stop myself from thinking about you . I swear I'll go crazy if I could not get to see you soon . Do you think it's too early to feel this deep ? My thoughts are haunting me -10

Days are going too slow for me ! What about you ? Don't fall for anyone else . I'm fighting for you .just hold on baby , it'll be all over soon -11

I miss the feeling of your lips on mine . I miss the hands that fits so perfectly with mine . I miss that blush . I miss those eyes . I miss those smiles and iiss everything about you . I've realized something it's not just liking but something more , hope it's from your end too -11

I didn't knew I was crying until a tear falls on the paper .

Damm him , I miss him so much!

Just come back soon

Thank you

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