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A cool breeze flew in through the window of the large orphanage. It was a cold night, but despite that, the fire shone on. A female sat in a rocking chair, her hands in her lap as the kids of every around her laid on the carpeting in front of the fire. Only the voice of the old adult could be heard along with the sound of the chair rocking back and forth. She closed her book and laid it on her lap.

"Did you enjoy the tale, children?" The old woman asked. "It's getting late, head to bed after brushing your teeth."



"It was so cute!"

"We loved the story gwandma! Tell it again, again!"

"YEAH! AGAIN!" The crowd of kids chanted in unison. "AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!"

"I'm very sorry dears, but it's getting quite late. You must be getting to bed, come along now." The female ushered the children away, her silver bun bobbing a bit as she walked towards the open window.

"Let me tell you what I'd wish I'd known, when I was young and dreamed of glory," The woman paused. The large group of kids turned to her, the lady's back facing them. They waited patiently for her to speak.


They all stared at her, as if time stopped. Then, simply nodded and left her alone. They'd all heard that story many times and knew she needed a moment to recollect the memories.

After each child was gone off to bed, the lady gazed longingly at the night sky. She stood solemnly, her baby blue gown resting on the floor. The dark sky was filled to the brim with bright stars. A lovely night for a couple. Tears spilled down her eyes as she spoke, her knees falling to the floor quietly as her body gave out.

"I miss you, my Spinel..." was all she managed to choke out before speaking again, full on crying.
She forced herself back up, gripping the windowsill as she stood. Her arms and legs trembled as she held herself up. Eventually, she was able to stabilize herself. That was when she spoke.

"Spinel, darling, are you proud of me? I established the first private orphanage in this city...if you lived to see this day, you'd be impressed, wouldn't you? I accomplished your dream for you. I did it all for you."

"..." She sobbed.

"And I'd do it again, if it would bring you back. But it won't...it's alright, I'll see you soon...


 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 [SPINEL X FEM!READER]Where stories live. Discover now