Chapter 29 ~ "Here We Are in the Future!"

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Three years later...

The afternoon sun shone down upon the magenta headed girl. It was currently 5:00 PM. This girl is Spinel, and she would've gone back to her dorms by now, but she was stuck in detention. And next to her sat none another than...


Some kid named Steven.

'Who the hell is this baby?' Spinel thought to herself as she stared at the boy. He had brown-ish black hair that poofed. He wore this dorky jacket and red sneakers. Spinel thought he had a punchable face, but she wasn't allowed to taunt him, since he was friends with Pink. He was also a freshman. Apparently, the trio of Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst knew him in some way. Some kinda cousin's cousin's cousin's cousin-crap. "Everybody's gotta cousin." Spinel thought before she began dozing off.


Y/N, on the other hand, was finishing up her homework. She tiredly rubbed her eyes. 'Ugh...I'm bored...' She thought to herself. 'I can't wait for this year to will be better.' She had recently moved out of the dorms.

Y/N, now rethinking, didn't actually know what her career choice was. Three years ago, when Spinel waltzed into her life, she stopped, she couldn't focus. Everything seemed to shift. It was like the world became more vibrant. Everyday wasn't just a waste of time until she could blow this town, someone special would interact with her, and she'd feel different. Every single day, Spinel would say or do something different. Always something new. Y/N was addicted to this euphoria that Spinel provided. She never had friends as a child, she turned her attention towards books, so this love she felt for the hotheaded female was like a drug.

"EEEEEEEY! Y/N! Y/N! Y/NNN!" A loud yell of a certain person broke her thoughts.

She turned around and walked over to her windowsill, lifting it and opening the window to see Spinel screaming at her, accompanied by Pink, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, and an unfamiliar face of a boy. He had floofy hair, and was nervously smiling and waving up at Y/N.

"Let's hang out N/N." Amethyst called.

"I'm coming down, wait for me!"  Y/N yelled, the slipped on some converse with an oversized coat, draping a bit over her black jeans. She then rushed down the stairs and out the door.

"Sup." Spinel greeted Y/N with a peck on the cheek.
"Nothing much, who's that guy?" Y/N pointed to Steven (the) Universe.
"Kid's name is Steven. We're gonna go hang at his house. You down?" Spinel asks.
"Mm, sure sweetheart." Y/N replied as Spinel held Y/N's hand. Steven raised an eyebrow at Spinel, thinking of how she reminded him of someone.

switching P.O.V....

The six of them headed to Steven's house in Garnet's car. After Spinel woke up from leaning on my shoulder the entire time, I got out of the car to join the others. We trudged up the high hill to get to Steven's beach house. Steven unlocked the door, and we all stepped in.

"Oooo, look at this shit.." Amethyst ooo'ed and aaa'ed at little things cluttered around the room.
"Dear, it's an aesthetically pleasing mess." Pearl stated matter-of-factly.
Garnet gazed around at the room, then picked something up.
"It's the good kush....?" Garnet said, reading the label in a confused tone, lifting up her glasses.
"It's from the dollar store, how good can it be?" Steven asked in a monotone voice while preparing some snacks.
"Good point." I added.

After sharing a tub of ice cream with Spinel and playing Super Smash Bros ™ with the m̶y̶s̶t̶e̶r̶y̶ gang, it was only Spinel and me that were still awake.
"Shortie...." Spinel mumbled, almost asleep.
"Yep?" I reply while cuddling with her.
"Steven...he..." Spinel was interrupted by the noise of footsteps downstairs.
I fell asleep.

switching P.O.V? again?

Spinel, careful not to wake anyone up, stepped downstairs. She saw a figure, a giant woman with huge, pink hair. Spinel could feel a similar presence, like she somehow knew the woman standing before her. The lady was wearing a white sundress, her long, pink, curly locks fell perfectly without her trying. She was magnificent.

"....Spinel.." the woman said in a shocked tone.
"H-how do you know my name? Just w-wh-who are ya?" Spinel mumbled, shaking.
"Spinel...I-.." The woman lifted her dress a bit, revealing her ankle. Spinel hesitated, then walked over and glanced at the tattoo.
The tattoo was three hearts.
"Y-you..!" Spinel exclaimed.

((Does that explain the three hearts every chapter??))

 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 [SPINEL X FEM!READER]Where stories live. Discover now