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I lost you so long ago,
before I knew what it was
Casting all my summers
In scenes and dreams of what I wanted it to be
In hope and misery this jagged love did ebb and flow

Your shadow never left but you did 3 tides ago
Lingering on the skin of my life like your favorite cologne
I touch you through the screen but you don't know at all
I pretend to have faith that the stars will take care of it all

Tomorrow seemed possible, But tomorrow never came
Tomorrow seemed possible but I couldn't stay
Tomorrow seemed possible but you couldn't wait
Tomorrow is a day I don't want to face

I know you love her, I know you do
You make your music to her tune today
Playing all the melodies to a lullaby
Singing it for the little life
I always heard butterflies bloomed in May

Your shadow never left but you did 3 tides ago
Lingering on the skin of my life like your favorite cologne
I touch you through the screen but you don't know at all
I pretend to have faith that the stars will take care of it all

Tomorrow seemed possible, But tomorrow never came
Tomorrow seemed possible but I couldn't stay
Tomorrow seemed possible but you couldn't wait
Tomorrow is a day I don't want to face

I know I'm barely a memory
A blink of an eye and you'll forget the times
I'm under the blue, heavy and dark
Trying to still catch the light from our spark
You'll still linger on the skin of my life
Woven into deep for you to ever leave with me alive
I'll still find you in another mans smile
Tonight I can't say the words goodbye
I never got to say thank you
So I'll tell the moon and hope the winds carry them there
Just by your touch
Life freed from inside of me
Now who's going to make me feel the rush
I'll still find you in another mans eye
Can your shadow leave without me
Can I bear it enough not to tear in pieces
I don't know
I don't know
I don't want you to go
I know you have to
I know you have to
You don't remember this girl now
Not since that summer,
Not now or not ever.

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