Chapter 13

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*Time lapse to the new initiates coming down coz I'm lazy*

Tris POV

Today is the day the initiates come. I can't get anything wrong. Or let them get to me. I must be threatening, strong, impressive, arrogant. I need to be.
I can't.

I hear a knock on the door and, assuming it's Tobias, I get up and open it. It is indeed Tobias and I welcome him in. I hug him, nestling my head in his chest. He smoothes my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead.

"Morning beautiful." he says

"Good morning." I reply and give him a peck on the lips. Neither of us are out of our pjs yet so he goes back to his appartment to dress. I get into the shower and wash myself thoroughly.

After putting on mascara and  straightening and tying up my hair, I cross over to my dresser and pick out some clothes.

I am not going for pretty so I put on a black vest top with my black leather jacket, black leggings and combat boots and make my way out of my appartment, locking the door behind me. I turn around and find Tobias staring at me. "You look amazing" he says.

"Thanks. But that isn't going to help me if I want to look tough."

He kisses me and I kiss back, enjoying the moment. We pull away and head off to the canteen, holding hands.

I grab a muffin and some water and head back to the table. Both Uriah and Will chose initiate trainer, but they are training the dauntless born. "I can't wait to see who will come this year. I bet there'll be no abnegation." Says Uriah

"How much." Tobias replies. Uriah just looks confused so I chip in. "He is asking how much you would like to bet on the chances that there will no abnegations this year." I say like I am talking to a 2-year-old.

"I bet a weeks supply of dauntless cake there will be no abnegations." Uriah replies sounding serious (for once!)

"You're on." Zeke cuts in just as Tobias was about to place his bet. "I bet a month's supply of dauntless cake there will be a stiff." Oh yeah, if there are any stiffs, I will have to constantly remember to call them this. Another thing to remember. Great.

Tobias POV

Tris is looking very pale and nervous so I find her hand under the table and squeeze it. She squeezes back and I feel myself smile a little. As long as we have each other, everything will be alright.

I wish I could tell her why I had to go to erudite but to keep her safe, she must not know. Ever, if possible.

We head off to the net and wait for the first initiate to come down. With every minute passing, Tris gets paler and paler and starts to shake. I give her the strongest hug I can manage and when she reluctantly pulls away, she is smiling.

Tris POV

I pull away from Tobias and smile, not forced but genuine, happy. He smiles at me too. I know that if we are together, we will be ok.

We have already discussed whether or not the initiates should know about our relationship and come to the conclusion that they should. It would be easier incase any of them think that they could try to become my boyfriend or his girlfriend and also if we get caught hugging, kissing or holding hands, it would be a lot less awkward.

I look up to see a screaming initiate in black and white falling towards us. When she lands, she doesn't stop screaming so I say, "We haven't got all day initiate." and immediately, she stops screaming. Tobias helps her out of the net and I say "What's your name intiate, you can change it if you want but make it good because you don't get to pick again"

"Ummmm. Brianna." She says

"First jumper, Brianna." Tobias says.

"Welome to dauntless." I add. She stands by the wall, rocking back and forth on her feet.

The next is also a transfer, but she's from amity. She comes downs cheering and shouting and when she lands in the net, she cackles crazily. "Name?" I ask her.

"TANYA!!!!" the maniac says.

After 13 more initiates fell to the net, (9 dauntless born, 6 transfers) we tell them about dauntless. "There will be 3 stages of initiation, the first to test your physical strength, and the other two, your mental. I am Four and this is Six and we will be your trainers."

"What, like the numbers?" Brianna says, laughing.

"Yes, like the numbers, got a problem? " I ask her in a steely tone.

"No." She says, blushing and I hope a little bit intimidated. Well I just sassed a Candor. That's one off my bucket list.

"Good. After every stage of training, the bottom ranked initiates will be cut. Sent to the factionless. We will now give you a tour of the dauntless compound.  But before any of you ask, Tris and I are together so I don't want any of thinking that you can flirt with either of us. Okay?"

The group mumbles a reply something like yeah and we head off to the pit.

The transfer initiates are:

Brianna - candor

Tanya - amity

Ethan - erudite

Adam - candor

Fran - candor

Carrie - amity

The dauntless born initiates are:










We finish the tour and lead them to their dormitory. "You can have the rest of the day to do what you like but you must be in the training room by 9:00 tomorrow morning." I say and Tanya retorts, saying "We have to sleep in a dormitory? You mean we don't get any privacy at all. Not even from the boys?"

"Not even from the boys." I confirm and add, "but if you pass initiation, you get your own appartment."

I go back to my appartment but as I turn the corner, I bump into Zeke. He says "Party at mine tonight Tris. As an anniversary of all of your year chosing dauntless."

"Ok, I'll be there."

"You'd better be." he says as he walks off.

A/N thank you for 234 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will now be updating on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays bcoz I don't want it to be random.

Love ya
Yolo xx

When editing I sincerely regret my past life choices like yolo. I am leaving this one in to remind you never to use a cliché if it can be avoided so you can all thank me later. There will be no more yolos I promise on my grandma's cat. The regrets are infinite from now on...

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