Chapter 8

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Tobias still hasn't been found. I am going to ask Max if I can leave dauntless and go looking for him.

I find Max in his office. He is working at his computer so I have to clear my throat to make him know I am there. I say that Tobias still hasn't been found and I am really worried about him and I ask for permission to go to abnegation to look for him. He agrees  but on the condition that must be gone for 2 days max. I t hank him, saying that I can't thank him enough because I really want to find Tobias.

I make my way to the canteen and get some banana bread. I tell my friends I am going to look for Four and they wish me good luck on finding him. I thank them, return to my appartment to pack a packed lunch then I leave so that I can get to my destination as  early as possible. I go to the train "station" and wait for the next train. I alight by the abnegation school and walk to what I think is his house. When I knock on the door, no one answers. Knocking again, my hopes evapourate into an invisible haze but I decise to wait for a little while longer, just incase. I try the door and find it locked. Deciding to wait for another hour incase someone comes, I sink to the ground beneath me, the cold stone on the doorstep pressed close to my sweating skin. My mind shivers though my being is warm: in need to find him. Where is he? I need him.

After the hour, I only have 2 other options: in his father's work place or with the factionless. I decide that his father's workplace is more likely so I look there first. The large concrete building intimidates me as I ascend the stairs, reminiscing about my past days as a stiff. I look for him in the main congregational area first but there is no one in there so I try the offices. I knock on the door of each of them and ask them if they have seen Tobias Eaton but no one seems to know where he is. I abandon hope on that case and walk to the factionless area. There is nowhere to hide in Abnegation yet Tobias seems to be excelling at this particular game.

I see a little shack, one that I hadn't noticed before, and decide to look inside. A female voice, sharp and sensible with a rough tone of loss, is muffled by the insubstantial place and I  peek through the cracks in the wood to see a medium height blonde woman in about her late forties. Then I begin to see the similarities. The same stormy blue eyes and slightly hooked nose. The same wiry frame.  And I can only think that she must be his mother.

But I thought she was supposed to be dead. She looks not far off but still there in the flesh and blood. And she seems to be rallying the factionless. Did Tobias know about her? Is that why he left us, why he left me? Maybe she just became factionless but was so close to dead that people assumed that she was. Unless I am very much mistaken, she is definitely the late Mrs Eaton. And she might help me find her son.

A/N do you like what I did with Evelyn? As always I am open to suggestions and thanks so much for reading this. + my views thing is spasing bcoz it says that I have 47 views but on the actual chapters, I only have 10 so yh anyways thanks everyone who has read this and enjoyed it whether 10 or 47

Yolo xx
Lolakitten 123

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