Act II - Chapter 9

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Act II – Chapter 9

(Minecraft: Story Mode and its characters belong to Telltale Games, not me.)

"Were you going to tell me, or were you going to do what Soren said you were planning to and just run off?" questioned Jesse. Her voice as cold as ice.

"Of course I was gonna tell you, I was just... working up to it. Slowly," Petra defended herself.

"Don't lie to us, Petra. I know exactly what you said," Soren stepped in. "And just now, you said that the earlier you leave, the better off you guys would be. Doesn't sound very friendly and helpful if you ask me."

"Jesse, Soren, I promise I can explain, I just--"

But before Petra could finish explaining herself, a loud static noise caused Jesse's eardrums to explode.

Jesse immediately brought her hands up to her ears, trying desperately to muffle that ear-shattering horrible sound, to no avail. Right when she thought her head was going to explode, it finally stopped, leaving her ears ringing from the shrill volume of the static sound.

"Augh!" cried Jesse, but froze when she saw Petra's look, her eyes staring at something behind her. Jesse slowly turned around, to see a figure that she recognized instantly.

Standing there at the gates to Beacontown, was a female hologram. The figure in the hologram had vibrant magenta messy hair, a purple colored suit with glowing yellow gems, and yellow skin. Her lips and nose had a blue tint to them and her pupils were glowing pink. She was the figure that was laughing in Jesse's visions when she first found the Heckmouth.

"YOU!" Jesse jumped, not expecting such a threatening sound to come out of Soren's mouth.

The hologram responded with shrill high-pitched laughter. Wow that was so much more ear-splitting in person.

"Me," she answered. Her voice had a slight robotic undertone. "Of course it's me, the Admin."

"Look at that, you finally stopped hiding behind a colossus and revealed your true face," snarled Soren.

The Admin simply snickered in response.

"Well, Jesse, it seems we've learned one thing along the way. You may be a thief, but you did kill a giant Ender-Colossus. That takes guts, and guts is enough in my book.

"In any case." The Admin continued. "While that Colossus might be all fun and games, I feel like it'll be easier to discuss things like this."

"Hold up, that was your idea of fun?" Jesse said, scandalized.

"Wow, rude." The Admin scoffed, narrowing her eyes at Jesse. "What I'm trying to say is that you five went into Hyl and escaped alive. You'll be perfect for what I've got cooked up for you next."

The Admin snickered again, and raised her right hand. Jesse felt a wave of pure energy ride through her, and to her horror, the sky turned dark again.

"Not again!" Jesse groaned.

"For your sake, I hope you and your citizens have slept recently, don't want to be attacked by phantoms now do we? Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

That laugh continued to make Jesse's skin crawl. She did not like it one bit.

"Psycho, that one!" Sammy said.

Jesse nodded in agreement.

"Ugh, come on? Some zombies? So scary," she said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

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