Act I - Chapter 7

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Act I – Chapter 7

(Minecraft: Story Mode and its characters belong to Telltale Games, not me.)

"Heh-heh, adventuring, woo! Heh!" panted Jack as they stopped to catch their breaths.

Soren approached the door.

"What are those things anyway?!" he asked. "They're kinda shaped like regular mobs, they sound like Endermen, but those are definitely not mobs we've seen before."

The group glanced towards another long staircase, going up this time. As soon as Jesse reached the top and got a glance at what was inside this next room. She sprinted forward.

"Oh, wow. Wow!"

It was a huge room, which was unlike the other rooms that they had been in. Jesse's voice echoed around the cavernous room.

"Sammy, Nurm. We did it. We're inside!" Jack celebrated.

"Yes! YES! And it is incredible!" Sammy added.

"Okay guys," said Jesse. "Structure block's gotta be in here."

"How do you know?" asked Petra.

"Just... a feeling, I guess?"

Before following Jack and Sammy up the stairs, Jesse took a look at what appeared to be some kind of... portal frame?

"I feel like this is important, but I don't really know why," she commented.

"Yes, that's quite unlike any portal frame I've ever seen before," agreed Soren.

Jesse backtracked and climbed the staircase off to the side, which led her up to where Jack, Nurm and Sammy were, beside a wall with runes carved into it. She turned to Nurm.

"Hey Nurm, think you could give me a hand with these?" asked Jesse.

Nurm began to read it out, Jack translating what he is saying.

"Nurmie says they say, 'Once the world was flat; No mountains, no rivers, no trees. Until the Admin – Ugh! - built the mountains, sculpted the rivers, crafted the trees'. Bunch of superstitious malarky."

"That, I agree with," said Soren. "There was no such time where there were no trees and what-not, but the Admin is still very real."

"Ugh!" groaned Jack as he rolled his eyes and continued on with the rest of the group. They stopped at another wall full of runes.

"Nurm, sorry to bother you again, but-"

Nurm began to read out this next set of runes. Jack behind him, translating.

"'After having one of her most precious creations stolen, the Admin retreated into the End, biding her time, until the thief eventually would return.'" Jack translated. "Can't believe you buy into this stuff, Soren. That's obviously just the cop-out way of saying 'She never really existed.'"

"Argh! Fine, I'm not going to try anymore. Come to me once you're no longer in ignorance," huffed Soren.

Jesse ascended another set of stairs, reaching a platform, which held two sets of glowing blocks.

"This must be it," Jack observed. "It's gotta be.

"Look, that symbol!" Jesse pointed out. "It looks just like the one we saw underground."

And right as she said that, the purple block in her inventory began to laugh and chuckle again, her high-pitched laughter echoing, it steadily got louder, before it poofed into smoke. That's when Jesse knew that they found what they were looking for.

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