Home is where the Pesy is

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A/N: Just a warning, this chapter has a lot of cheeky bits. Definitely nothing explicit, but lots of flirting and references to sex. 

also, this pic? Has nothing to do with anything but Perrie looks so happy to just be like... touching Jes and I love that sm so I figured it was as good a pic as any. 

Okay, onto the actual chapter! 

Enjoy x


At some point, I doze off on Jesy's shoulder, 'cos the next thing I know, she's shaking me awake.

"Pezza," she calls softly. "We're here, love."

I breathe in before blowing out, stretching a bit.

Jesy unclips my seatbelt, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek as she takes my hand, leading me out of the car.

The house in front of us is big, on a large lot surrounded by an even larger fence, but it's not excessive. It's the kind of house you could reasonably afford with a six-figure job, even with the location.

I think Jesy made eight figures last year.

She's quite frugal for someone who makes as much as she does, though, as the thought of being in any sort of debt terrifies her. I've no doubt she paid for this place all at once and in cash.

"What do you think of it?" She asks as we walk up, and I take in the place. The dark grey stonework offset by pale grey siding is exactly what I'd expect for Jesy. It's a tad masculine for my own tastes, the lines a bit sharp, but it's lovely regardless.

"It's lovely," I say, giving voice to my thoughts. "Fits you well, I think."

She smiles at me. "The inside is fully furnished, but I've only been home a few days here and there since I moved in about 8 months ago. Jade hired a decorator and it's perfectly adequate on the inside, but it's not super homey," she warns.

"It could be a shitty one room shack for all I care," I say honestly. "I'm just happy to be with you."

She looks at me all soft, gazes at me in the way that makes me feel loved and cherished and like I'm something special, and I swear I physically feel my heart skip, I hope I never stop feeling like this around Jes.

It's the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Jesy gives me a quick tour of the house, which is all bright marble and plush grey and white furniture. The most notable exception to the grey/white theme is the carpet in the sitting room, which is a purpley color. While that may seem like an odd choice initially, it looks quite good with all of the true neutrals around it. It's really the only splash of color in the room, and I can't help but think that Leigh Anne would approve. Which, is always a good sign. she's very good at knowing what's "chic."

Jesy speeds through most of the second floor of the house, the two of us both a little eager to get to her bedroom.

We spend the next couple hours in bed, lounging and loving and lusting, until Jesy claps her hands and excitedly announces that she has a surprise for me.

I pout when she throws on a long t-shirt, and she laughs.

"What's even the point of being in your own home if you can't walk around naked?" I ask, running a hand through my mussed hair.

"Not all of us are as comfortable as you just strutting around naked, Miss Edwards," she says haughtily.

"Ooh, I feel like a sexy maths teacher when you call me that," I say with a ridiculous raise of the eyebrows. "Miss Edwards. You wouldn't happen to have one of those schoolgirl skirts lying around, would you?"

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