I got this hole up in my heart, baby

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(A/N: Chapter title taken from I Love You by Little Mix)


She's just out of sight when Jesy arrives, toting The Notebook and a couple of fuzzy blankets.

"It was hiding, I swear," she says, giving me a smile. "Took me ages to find! It was with the books, for some reason, and not the movies."

"Imagine that," I say, glancing over at an almost-invisible Jade.

I can see her smirk from here.


Jesy quickly settles in next to me, popping the dvd right into the side of the screen I've just noticed is there.

"Has that- has that been there the whole time?" I ask.

"I just took the cover off," she explains, gesturing to a tan flap that's now tucked into the back of the seat.

"Cool," I say lamely.

The screen lights up, saving me from greater embarrassment, and Jesy busies herself with skipping through the previews.

She settles back into her chair, snuggling into her blanket.

I can't help but watch her out of the corner of my eye, Jade's words from earlier bouncing around in my head.

She loves physical affection.

"Can I hold you?" I blurt awkwardly, cringing at my own utterance.

Jesy just looks at me.

"It's just," I start, "Jade told me that your love language is physical touch and so is mine and I like to snuggle while I watch movies but I didn't want to overstep or make you uncomfortable or-

"Okay," Jesy says evenly, saving me from further embarrassment once again.

"Yeah?" I ask, sounding a bit in awe of her. I suppose I am, but- gosh, I need to get it together.

"Yeah, sure," she says with a small smile, followed by a nod of the head.

Not wanting to add to my embarrassment, I avoid speaking this time. I find the button that I know is on the arm rest between airplane seats, even fancy shmancy ones like these, and fold the armrest between us up so that I can hold her properly.

While I am a bit doubtful in my speaking abilities, I know my snuggling abilities are in top form. I waste no time wrapping and arm around Jesy's waist, pulling her back so that her head can rest against me comfortably. She melts into place easily, letting out a small sigh when I press a little kiss to her cheek.

"Is this alright?" I ask, a quiet whisper in her ear.

"Yeah, its- um. I like it," she says just as quietly, almost seeming a little embarrassed.

"Good," I say, pressing a kiss to her temple this time. "If I overstep, let me know, okay? I'll back off."

"I don't think you could- uh. I'm comfy. You make me comfy. But, um. I'll let you know. If I get- uh, un-comfy."

"Sounds good," I say, unable to keep the toothy smile from my face.

I spend the rest of the film sort of paying attention to the movie and mostly paying attention to Jesy. I keep my arms wrapped tight around her, pressing soft kisses to her head here and there. I take my time trailing my hands up and down her arms, delighting in the little sighs she gives me. I keep it up, even when she drifts to sleep at one point, eager to keep her happy. I tell myself it's so I'll keep this job that I need desperately, but I know it's a lie. I'm already catching feelings.

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