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A/N: See the above video at 11:05 for Perrie and Jesy talking about "dates" 🌚🌝 Really the whole video is great (I think we were getting a little bit of tired!mix/tour crazy!mix), so maybe just watch the whole thing? After you read this, of course😁

Unedited, cause I'm tired and ill. Sorry✨



     The writing session goes pretty well, or at least I think it does. Most of my ideas are shot down, but I try not to take it to heart. Kamille does most of the writing, and Jade does a fair bit as well. Jesy mostly sings through things and sees what she likes, making little tweaks here and there. Curtis adds in guitar riffs and things, sometimes commenting on what the instrumentation should be like, but he never gives input on the words. I comment on the lyrics almost exclusively, only adding in input on the actual music bit when Jesy asks me what harmonies and stuff I think would sound nice. I suspect she's doing it purely to try and boost my confidence, which I appreciate. The others don't seem to mind, and I've always had a good ear, so it all works out okay.

     We take care of the bubblegummy one, as well as the banger- mostly because Kamille had the latter nearly finished beforehand- but we don't get anywhere with the ballad. Jesy resolves to think about it and come back to it later, and the others agree.

     We finally make it back to our hotel room at around 6, which is sort of nice. I'm not sure what we'll do with our extra time- sleep, hopefully- but it seems Jes has other ideas.

     "Do you want to go get dinner?" She asks, wringing her hands like she's a bit nervous.

     "Like, go-to-the-restaurant-and-eat-there go get dinner?" I ask, both nervous and excited by the prospect.

     "Yeah," she says. "I, um. I'd like to take you out. Like, on an actual date? I've just been dragging you to loads of work stuff, and we haven't had the opportunity to properly go out yet. This is probably the only chance we'll get to breathe until well after our London break, so I figured now would be a good time to go. If you want to, that is. If not, we can just stay here."

     "I'd love for you to take me out," I say, positively giddy at the prospect. "But, if I let you take me out now, you have to let me take you out while we're in London. Deal?"

     "Deal," she says with a grin.


     We end up at this cute little Indian place with a private room, which turns out to be entirely necessary, as it seems everyone on the planet is aware of who Jesy is.

     She must take 15 pictures before we're seated, even though there's only like 4 people in the restaurant.

     We're a little underdressed, but no one seems to mind.

     Jes is the picture of disinterested heterosexual propriety before we enter our room. She barely looks at me in the 10 minutes it takes for us to get from the car to our booth, but as soon as we turn the corner and enter our private room, she threads her hand through mine.

     She thanks the hostess, who tells us to "sit anywhere we like," before she leads me to a booth in the very back of the room.

     She sits first, on the left side, before pulling me down after her.

     "I suppose we're going to be one of those nauseating couples who sits on the same side of the booth and whispers sweet nothings to each other during the meal, then?" I ask with a laugh.

     "Yes, I've decided that we are," she says with a haughty grin, before she softens. "Is that alright with you?"

     "Oh, I'm thrilled," I say with a grin. "I did always want a left handed partner when I was in school 'cos I used to think it was so cute to hold hands under the table at lunch, or under the desks during class," I say, and she laughs. "But I never dated anyone in school, even like a kindergarten boyfriend or anything, cause Molly Ellison told the boys at school that they'd catch my freckle disease if they held me hand."

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