a hard time, a heart to heart, and a very visible hickey👀

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     Getting out of bed in the morning is awful. Not only because I have to pry myself off of Jes, but because we were too busy having sex and then taking a break to talk and then going at it again (and again, and again, and again) to actually get any sleep.

Despite, or perhaps in spite of  the amazing night we had last night, I wake up grumpy and underslept.

The fact that we have to be on the plane at half six, which means we have to be out of the hotel at half five, which means we have to be out of bed at five, certainly doesn't help.

"Jes, no." Are my first words of the day when she tries to rouse me.

"C'mon, we have to go," she says, far too sweet for as early as it is.

After lots of poking and prodding and on Jesy's part, we manage to get both up and dressed.

I refuse to let go of her hand as we walk through the hotel corridor. Jade tries to tease me about it, but the look I give her shuts her up. I'm a nightmare in the morning, and even Jade seems to know better than to poke the bear.

I fall asleep on Jesy's shoulder in the car, and then again once we get onto the plane.

Jade says something about needing to talk with her about our London break, but I'm having none of it. I pull her down in the seat next to me, wrapping myself in her arms and pressing a sloppy kiss to her cheek.

"Goodnight," I grumble.

"Sleep tight, Love," she says, and even as far gone as I am, I can hear the smile in her voice.

I wake up some time later, reaching out for Jesy and finding a blanket instead.

I whine, wiping at my eyes before I sit up to take in my surroundings.

"Let's go, sleeping beauty," Jade says, shaking my shoulder.

"Where's Jesy?" I ask, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders after I stretch out a bit.

"She's in the bathroom, taking a call. Has been since the moment we touched down. Everyone else is already off the plane, we're just waiting for her. Well, and you. So, that's why I'm here. They sent me back to get you, and then to get her. Head to the car, the blue one. Jes and I will be there in a mo," Jade says.

I'm too tired to ask any more questions, so I slowly make my way out to the car, like Jade said.

It's just me, Jesy's head of security, Brock, and Matt, his right hand, waiting in the car. Along with the driver, of course.

I'm a little surprised that none of the rest of the team is with us, as usually Azza or Heidi or Adam or even Curtis ends up in our car, but I don't comment.

I somehow formulate a polite response to Matt when he asks how I am, but he seems to sense how tired I am, and doesn't ask any more questions.

We wait in semi-silence for at least 15 minutes, maybe 20. I've never been great at keeping time, but we definitely wait for a while.

Jade enters the car first, looking stressed. Jesy follows, face blank but eyes clearly a little puffy.

Seeing Jesy like this immediately wakes me up, and I quickly undo my buckle and crawl toward her.

"Jes, what's-"

"I'm fine, Perrie," she bites, shaking off the hand I put on her arm.

Her face remains blank, but I can see how much she's hurting in her eyes.

I don't reach for her again right away, but I buckle myself in next to her, waiting for her to do the same.

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