I've felt too lonely to sleep

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(A/N: Chapter pic is from the Twitter documented Pesy "girly" sleepover in 2014🌝😉 #SnugAsABugInARug)


     I shake myself out of my Jesy-haze, hopping to my feet quickly and following her out.

The first interview goes off without a hitch. Jesy and the interviewer have a natural rapport, and conversation flows pretty easily.

The second interview seems to last forever. There is a clear language barrier between Jesy and the interviewer. This probably wouldn't be an issue if he actually knew anything about Jesy. He calls her NEL twice, and asks what it's like being an Austrailian in Holland. To be fair, Jesy does an Aussie accent for about half the interview, but she's been the biggest selling act in the world like 4 years running. Your average 12 year old probably knows more about Jes and would've conducted a better interview than this guy.

I see Jade make a note to say no next time that media company is up for interview contention. I also see her drawing tiny little devil horns on the guy's press roster picture, and I can't help but laugh.

After the boring, clueless dude, we finally get to go back to the hotel. Everyone, barr Jesy, can speak of nothing but the camp NELS outing tonight.

"Have you decided whether you're coming, Perrie?" Azza asks, and I see Jesy's head whip toward me.

"Nah, I think I'll stay in. I'm quite tired, if I'm honest," I say. I'm met by a series of boos from everyone but Jade and Jesy. Jesy is looking intently at me, and Jade is smirking at her.

I go back to my room once we arrive, unsure of why exactly I've decided to skip the party. I am tired, that's not a lie, but I know that's got nothing to do with it. I don't want to be hungover for my morning with Jesy, the girl who somehow cannot sleep in. A hangover will make getting out of bed 1000x worse.

I decide to take a long shower, letting my muscles relax.

I wander out sometime later, hair mostly dry as I kept it knotted on my head.

I'm in a world of me own, wondering if DoorDash works in Amsterdam, when-

"Hiya," Jade says from her spot on my bed. I squeal, dropping my towel in fear before scrambling to pick it up again.

A glance at Jade finds her eyes still on me, her ever-present smirk etched on her face.

"Jee-duh! Look away!" I squeal, finally managing to get the cushy hotel towel off the floor and back around my very naked body.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself," Jade says, still smirking. "You know I'm not into ya. I was just... congratulating myself on my excellent selection again."

I look at her, a little confused in my panicked state.

"My selection of you. For Jes," she reminds me. "You lit'rally could not be more her type."

"And you needed to see me naked to know that?" I ask angrily.

"Yeah, actually. You've got a great ass, Pezza. You should be proud of it," She says nonchalantly.

"Ugh! You're almost as bad as Azza. Actually, you might be worse than Azza, because Azza doesn't sneak into my room to perv on me naked!" I yell.

"Well, no, but he's not as good at sneaking," Jade says seriously.

"How... how have none of you been fired for sexual harassment?" I ask snarkily.

"It's an age old mystery," Jade says, waggling her fingers and taking on a mysterious tone of voice.

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