Can I put you on a jet tonight?

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     Perrie's profile has been up on the stupid site for a whole four minutes when she receives her first message.

Hey baby, I see you're looking for a rich daddy. I'm a rich daddy.

He also looks to be about 70 years old. Perrie groans. She knew being a sugar baby wasn't exactly a dream job- hell, it seemed more like quasi-prostitution than anything- but she had no other options. She's seen the kind of cash Leigh pulls in a month, and that'll be more than enough to keep her mom from defaulting on her mortgage, and to pay Perrie's rent on her modest little apartment. Her mother had been against the idea, of course, as this all sorta seems a little sketch, but Perrie's determined not to let it get out of hand.

It's about 4 days into this whole "sugar baby" thing that Perrie receives a message that excites her.

Hi PLEase26, I'm Jade. Do you have time to talk?

Jade's photo is of two girls, one of which looks vaguely familiar, but it's too dark to really notice any distinguishing features. Still, either girl in the photo couldn't be more than 5 years older than her, and they're both objectively pretty, from what Perrie can see, so she responds with yes, I've got plenty of time to talk. I'm Perrie. She spends the next 5 or so minutes chatting with Jade, who seems nice enough. Perrie's always been a bit too trusting, but Jade comes across as very nonthreatening, truly.

So, when Jade asks to meet up, Perrie only hesitates a couple seconds before replying in the affirmative. They decide to meet at a coffee shop they both know at 10:45 the next morning, hoping to avoid both the breakfast and lunch rushes.

I'm here, Perrie texts when she arrives. She sees the three little dots pop up before they disappear just as quickly.

"Perrie, right?" A voice asks over her shoulder. She turns around and is met with warm brown eyes, flicked eyeliner, and a cute smile.

"That would be me," Perrie says, giving Jade a winning smile. She thinks that perhaps she should be more nervous, but something about Jade immediately sets her at ease.

"Should we grab a table?" Jade asks, still smiling. Perrie nods her head, unable to do anything but wonder why Jade's here. Surely, she has no problems finding someone to romance. She's not Perrie's type, exactly, but she's unbelievably cute, somehow innocent and naughty at the same time. She seems like trouble of the best sort, and Perrie can't help but think how well she and Leigh Anne would get on.

The more they talk, the more Perrie likes Jade. Jade's not flirting, which is what Perrie expected, but she tries not to read to much into it. Maybe Jade's not a flirter?

She flirts up a storm with the waiter, though, leaving Perrie even more confused. Once he's done with Jade, the waiter politely asks Perrie if he can get her anything else, and she declines, but thanks him regardless.

"She's gonna love you," Jade says, sipping at her tea that's just arrived. "Well, done, Thirlwall."

"'S'cuse me?" Perrie asks, more and more confused by the second. Is Jade talking to herself?

"Oh yeah," she says, as if suddenly remembering something. "I know this must come as a huge disappointment, seeing as I'm God's gift to men, women, and everything in between, but I actually didn't come here today because I'd like to have sex with you."

Perrie spits out her drink.

Jade laughs evilly. "It's a joke," she says to a worried Perrie.

"Funny," Perrie says, trying to conjure a laugh.

"Are you new to this whole thing?" Jade asks, though she seems to know the answer already.

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