We were on a break!

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(A/N: It totally looks like they kissed though, right?👀 Also I spent like 10 mins trimming this LQ gif frame by frame so that it was small enough to upload. If nothing else, vote for this gif😜)

(Also: Warning? Maybe? There's no smut, but there are mentions of sex. Whoops✨)


     "Janice called again," Jade says, cringing a bit as she does. "She's insistent she meet you at the airport, drive you home from there. I tried talking to her, Jes, but-"

"There's no convincing Janice White," Jesy says with a roll of the eyes. "It's okay Jade, I can handle it. Thanks for trying."

"Sorry I couldn't do more," Jade says, scratching at the back of her own neck. "Have you... I mean, does she know-"

"I'm sure she's heard things," Jesy says with an eye roll. "She knows everything, somehow. If she asks, I'll tell her. And then just... deal with the fallout, I guess."

Jesy hugs me tighter against her, so I respond in kind. I've no idea what they're talking about, but I can tell Jes is distressed over it.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Jade asks, gentle but knowing.

"I'm pretty sure it's a bad one, actually," Jesy says, blowing air out of her nearly closed lips. "But what's the alternative? I tried to just tell her outright the first time, and you saw how that went."

Jade puts a comforting hand on Jesy's knee, looking at her almost guiltily.

"I'm still sorry about that," Jade says.

"You couldn't have known, Jadey," she says, putting her hand over Jade's.

"Yeah, but you did. I can count on one hand the number of times your gut instinct has been wrong. I shouldn't have pressured you," Jade insists, despite Jesy shaking her head.

"I wanted me to be wrong too, Jade. I really did. It just... didn't work out that way," Jesy says with a rueful smile.

"It's not that it "didn't work out that way,'" Jade insists. "It's that she's willfully ignorant and close-minded and hateful. She-"

"She's still my mum, Jadey. She was practically perfect in every other way, especially considering that she had to deal with my dad. Her thoughts on my "choices" are just... disappointing," Jesy says, leaning more heavily into me.

I press little kisses to the side of her face, along her teeny tiny queen of hearts tattoo, until the sad look on her face gets a little less sad.

I keep my arms tight around her as she and Jade continue to talk, mostly tuning them out. I'm curious, but I figure Jesy will tell me when she's ready. I can wait.

A PA knocks on the door eventually, causing Jesy to rush off of my lap and out the door with him.

I stay in my seat on the couch, surely looking all sorts of lost.

When I meet Jade's gaze, she's smiling at me.

I quirk an eyebrow at her, figuring she's probably making fun of me for being so smitten, but she just shakes her head, offering me a hand as she stands.

I take it, of course.

"Let's go, Pezza. She's still got five more interviews, two acoustic performances, and a tour rehearsal.

Jesy sends me back to the hotel at 11pm, insistent that I get some sleep if I can. I don't want to leave her, but I'm practically asleep on my feet. Jade assures me that she'll be fine, as all she has left to do is dance, and that happens to be the thing she's best at.

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