Just Plane Snuggly 🌚✈️🌝

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(A/N: This gif?? My heart hurts. Why are they the cutest people alive??😭 Also I know my punny title is stupid af but it made me happy for like 2 seconds, so that's what I went with🙈)


   The rest of Skansen is nothing to write home about. Not compared to the cottage, anyway. In fact, without Jesy, I'll probably never visit again. The animals were neat and all, but nothing I hadn't seen before. And it was gorgeous, but also wet and cold and muddy. I think Jesy just enjoys it because no one else is there.

We chat easily as we stroll, walking close but not touching, and it's nice.

We stop for a bite of food after. I suffer a bit of a shock when someone somehow recognizes Jesy through the tinted windows of the limo and bangs on the window I'm leaned up against.

Jesy takes it in stride though, taking photos and having a casual chat, and I'm even more in awe of her than I was before.

I can't quit staring at her, wondering about all the things I don't know about her, questioning how much of a public persona she still has on around me.

Judging from what Jade has said and from my own observations, I know that Jesy is opening up to me more quickly than she does to most others, but I still wonder about all that I don't know.

I mean, it's not even been a week that we've been in contact.

Before I can wonder anymore, I hear Jesy say my name.

"...Perrie? Earth to Perrie," she calls, laughing and stuffing chips in her mouth.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly, feeling my cheeks heat. "What were you saying?"

"I just asked you a question, s'all," she says, looking at me in that way that makes me all soft.

"I'm sorry, Jes, I didn't hear. What did you want to ask me?" I inquire gently.

"I just wanted to know if you've got a favorite song. I'm trying to collect all the basic information for my Perrie Edwards database," she says faux-seriously. "Or well, my Perrie Louise Edwards from South Shields database."

I give a little laugh, making her smile, and then answer her question. "That's a tough one. It depends on the situation, I think. I'm quite fond of sad songs, to be fair. I like to feel things," I say honestly.

"Nothing wrong with that," Jesy says. "D'you like music? I know some people aren't really music people."

"No, I love it!" I assure her.

She looks relieved.

"I was named for Steve Perry, actually. From Journey. I was supposed to be a boy, hence P-E- double R- Y. But, I was a girl, so it's P-R- double I- E," I say with a confused laugh, immediately realizing that's not quite right. "P-E- double R- I- E," I correct.

Jesy laughs. "You alright?"

"I'm proper tired, if I'm honest," I say. "I don't know how you do it. 'Specially not sleepin' like you do."

"You sort of get used to it," she says, crinkling her nose. "Do you like Journey?" She asks, seemingly eager to change the subject from the fact that she doesn't sleep.

"Oh, I love them," I say. "My mam and dad were proper rockers in their day. I listened to nothing else growing up."

"Do you sing?" Jesy asks, clearly curious.

"A little," I admit. "Never seriously, though. There was a time when I wanted to try to make a go of it, but."

"What stopped you?" she asks.

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