[l] KILL.

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     the meeting that miss nifa started was awkward and a bit tense, with some sort of anger and annoyance lingering in the air that oozed out of a certain trio. everyone could tell.

     everyone could see the death glares your three friends sent your way and hange's, never faltering or breaking. even annie shoot you a confused look, clearly worried about you and the other three but you only shrugged with a small smile. you sat at the middle of hange and moblit, which seemed to give you some sort of protection from your scowling friends. shaking under their gazes, you wore a nervous smile to which they didn't return and adverted your eyes away from them to focus on the meeting. hange was relatively calm for someone who got caught almost fucking their employee, leaning on their chair as they listened to the pink-haired colleague explain something about the prototype they were currently building with a nod once in a while.

     you tried to do the same, but it was hard when three of your friends wanted nothing more but information about your relationship with your brown-haired boss and that they had the need to kill you. shaking your head a little to get rid of such thoughts, you watched and listened intently on the presentation nifa was showing.

     they want my head, and i'm gonna die. oh, screw trying to focus, you were absolutely terrified now.

     however, once you saw armin moved so swiftly, you swore your heart skipped at least fifty beats. that man was capable of murder and your little secret probably prompted him to kill you sooner than you expected. the blond looked down with furrowed brows and you guessed that he was on his phone, typing away furiously.

     just as he put his phone away, you felt your phone buzz with a notification. you felt your blood run cold and you grudgingly took it out of your pocket, seeing armin's message that shook your core.

armout 😗

12:23 PM
s p emgle rm bgc. [1]

     one nudge from moblit made you turn off your phone and return it back to your pocket. you turned to the blond with an arched brow but he wasn't looking, acting all innocent and pure like you originally thought he was. you were confused than ever; what the hell did he meant by that?

     it was a code, sure, but how the hell did he type it out so fast? did he just memorized all of the codes and ciphers out there? with armin, it's possible. you shuddered and looked away, giving up on trying to decipher such a simple code. leaning against your chair, you tried to ignore the fact that armin now had his innocent blue eyes trained on you.

     if looks could kill, you'd be rotting by now.

    unluckily, the meeting ended too soon and you didn't even get to focus much about the meeting! the others stood up and grabbed their files given by miss nifa, talking to one another as they left. your three friends were mumbling to themselves at a corner, and hange was talking to nifa about something work-related. awkwardly, you shuffled next to your partner and waited for them to notice you. leaving the room was out of the question, you didn't want to look like a loser with no friends by your side! 

     hange turned around after nifa bid her goodbye and saw you wearing a shaky smile, which they returned with a more confident one. "you look like you have diarrhea." they commented heartily, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to lead you out of the meeting room. "don't worry, babe, we're still--"

     "y/n?" sasha cheerfully called out, "can we talk to you? alone?"

     you stopped dead in your tracks and froze just at the entrance, before slowly turning around. hange left quickly but not before patting your shoulder in a comforting manner, not wanting to deal the trio's wrath as of the moment.

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