[xlix] MISS YOU.

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     it's been three months since you and hange got together. three months of hiding your relationship successfully without anybody being suspicious, three months of having to act like the dense bitch that you were to your friends, and three moths of your brown-haired boss always being horny.

     not that you mind the last part.

     your team have spent all those months trying to come up with a solution for the rhine river clean-up operation, and so far, all you had was two failures of a prototype. however, all of you were busting out your ass to create another prototype that could pick up the microplastics in the river and, all of you were doing good from what you could see. hange and moblit had forced all of you to be more hardworking, and they did so without any problem. however, all of you soon found out that they had done some things to keep all of you productive (like blocking the bathroom to stop everyone from taking breaks every five minutes). nonetheless, you just needed time to fix the mistakes you had on the first and second prototype and after that, some of you would visit the beauty of rhine gorge once again to test it out.

     it was a slow process but all of you were making progress and results. if you were lucky, all of you could finish it in a span of few months or even a year or two!

     working with your friends was fun but also stressful, and you were missing a lot of animes to watch because of your work. there was a time where you had to spend a night at your office just because connie decided to lose the solution he was assigned to (it was a mess) and moblit thought it was a good punishment to keep the team in the office until connie was done.

     currently, it was lunch time after a treacherous hours of being cooped up at your cubicle and typing away. you and your three friends were on your way to the cafeteria, with sasha leading the group as she gossip about a rumor she heard from someone else.

     "and they were roommates!" sasha exclaimed with a dramatic voice, pushing the cafeteria doors open. 

     "isn't that a vine?" armin asked you, to which you only shrugged at before laughing. sasha quickly rummaged through the vending machine at the corner, picking out multiple chips while you, armin, and connie took your food out of the fridge.

     your group sat at an empty table, with sasha already chugging down on her food with no hesitation. "are you sure you want to eat chips as your lunch?" you asked, arching a brow at the brunette. "that's not exactly healthy, sasha." 

     the said female only grinned and continued eating, some crumbs spilling out of the corner of her mouth. armin scrunched his face and sighed, "ew, sasha! at least eat properly!" the blond scolded, earning a slight glare from the brunette before fixing her actions.

     "it's such a slow day," connie said with a sigh.

     you nodded as you slightly played with your food, "yeah, it's boring."

     "all i want to do is go back home and play with some dolls..." armin whispered to himself, but all of you heard it and chose not to question his hobby.

     before any of your friends could speak, the cafeteria door burst open and the person that captured your heart stepped in. you looked away quickly and tried to hide the smile on your face, focusing on the food in front of you.

     hange caught sight of sasha eating chips and raised a brow, "sasha, eat real food."

     "but this is so good!" she explained, earning a sigh from all of you.

     hange cleared their throat instead, "l/n, my office?" they said, shooting you a knowing smile before leaving the cafeteria. you covered your food with the lid of your tupperware before handing it to armin, ignoring the smirks and sly glances your friends wore.

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