[xliv] MOVIE.

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     after that... intimate text message with hange, you decided to finish your ice cream and series later on. if you have the time, that is.

     you ran a hand through your hair and glanced at the mirror, cringing at the clothes you were wearing. it wasn't dirty or anything, it was just... not stylish or pretty enough. after all, you had a guest coming over and you sure as hell wanted to wow them. a baggy shirt and a booty shorts wasn't going to appeal hange somehow.

     walking to your bedroom, you threw your closet door open and took a good look around your organized clothes. you weren't planning to look more pretty, something stylish yet comfortable would be nice. as you were about to grab something from the rack, you heard knocking on your door.

     you visibly panicked, looking back at the hanger you had in hand and at the door of your bedroom. why the hell was hange over so quick? did they get past the speed limit just to visit you?

     another knock could be heard from the door and you cursed yourself, putting the clothing back to your closet before limply running towards the door. fixing your hair and hoping that you look presentable enough for them, you swung the door open.

     what you expected to be a tall brown-haired scientist was instead the face of a friendly yet stoic-as-always black-haired woman. your eyes widened as more familiar faces come to view behind her, grinning and waving as they saw your perplexed expression. 

     "m-mikasa?! g-guys?!" you gaped as they entered your apartment without any approval from you, entering your house as if it was their own. as you looked and see who came over, you couldn't believe that all of your friends just decided to visit you without letting you know.

     and on a day where someone was just about to fuck you too!

     the others settled comfortably on your couch, their noise and chatters filling the living room. you slowly exhaled and ran a hand through your hair to calm yourself but it was a bit too late for that. "what the hell are you guys doing here?!" you questioned, throwing your arms up before crossing them across your chest.

     mikasa looked up from her spot on the floor with a shrug, "we're here to help you cope with your broken ankle." was all her reply, blunt and straightforward with a hint of protectiveness.

     "we were planning to go to a mall or something but armin said you broke your ankle and you'd use that excuse as to not to go so we just decided to come over and hang out," jean elaborated as he pulled out a candy packet out of nowhere.

     "plus we missed you so you can't escape now." a tall dark-haired smiled and scratched his cheek shyly, "hope we didn't interrupt you or something."

     despite your confusion and slight annoyance, you only shook your head and allowed them to stay and do whatever the fuck they want. they were already inside, what more could you do? even if you wanted hange to come over and make them leave for them to be able to do so, there was a huge chance they won't unless you tell them what was going on. there was no way in hell were you going to tell them that you were about to get laid.

     you excused yourself to your bedroom and grabbed your phone, dialing hange's number in a hurry. you couldn't have them come when all of your friends, who are still betting on you two together, were staying at your place for the remainder of the day. if they see them come over without any reason, then you are very screwed.

     hange's phone was ringing but they weren't picking up. you mentally groaned and walked back and forth in your room with a hand on your hip, ending the call and dialing up the same number again and again in hope that they would finally answering you.

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