Chapter Forty-Six

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"Wait, it's August 5th, isn't it?" she asked, glancing at Lanky Guy in the driver's seat of the RV. They were back on the road for their second day, nearly 4 hours into a 12-hour trip for that day before they could settle and sleep, heading right towards Houston, Texas.

"I think so" he glanced at the digital watch strapped to his thin wrist "Yes, you are right" It's been almost two and half months since I was taken.

"Do you think we could make a stop in the city before settling down for the night?" she asked, suddenly feeling the bubble of excitement in her bones.

"You'd have to ask Maxwell" she sighed, slumping back in the passenger seat. Maxwell would never let her do anything, in fear that she would try and book it again, she knew that. In a single sentence her hopes of doing what she used to, before this all happened, were crushed.

"You don't think he'll let you?" Lanky Guy asked, glancing over at her from the road

"Of course, he wouldn't-" she glanced back past her headrest slightly, looking at him with headphones in his ears, the same laptop on the table in front of him as he typed vigorously across the keyboard, huddled into one of the booth-like seats on the far side of the slab. He'd been so distracted this entire trip, either that or he had been putting off all his work before and it was coming to bite him in the ass. "Maxwell doesn't exactly scream 'fun', does he now"

"I bet if you asked, he'd let you" Lanky Guy claimed, giving her a reassuring smile.

"And...why do you think that?" she asked

"Because he's obviously enamored by you" Her eyes widened like saucers, and suddenly felt her mouth a little parched. She still wasn't very convinced that his feelings about her spanned more than simple male lust, it's not like he had ever said anything that really proved otherwise, not outright anyways. But, Maxwell didn't seem like much of the sharing type, perhaps wanting him to say what he was thinking outright without sugaring it would be too much to ask of him. But, just because he might have liked her, she still highly doubted he would let her go anywhere at all, even with an escort. If he did like her, that would just make him want to chain her up more, at least that's what she thought, knowing Maxwell at least the little she did. "How about we make a wager" She met the eyes of Lanky Guy, an intrigued eyebrow

"You ask him if we can make a pit stop, if he says no, he's not completely obsessed with you. But...if he says yes..." It seemed kind of childish, to suggest such a thing. She felt like an elementary schooler, making up fake bullshit to try and pretend that her crush liked her back, not that she liked Maxwell...certainly not...

"Fine" she spoke, chin high. She knew Maxwell didn't like her, winning this little game of his would be easy as hell. Then, she could prove to Lanky Guy for good, just how far off his love predictions really were from reality. She leaned over between the seats, looking at him still furiously staring at the laptop screen.

"Maxwell, can we make a pit stop in Houston?" he lifted his head, pulling out the headphones from his ears.

"No!" Spike snapped, shot up from laying splattered across the couch next to the table where Max sat "What the hell for?!" She knew that if she told them the reason behind the stop, they certainly would deny it. Her only hope was getting approval before she actually told them what it was for.

"Fine" Spike's face of disbelief turned from her to Max, and her lungs stopped mid-breathe. It was more of a sigh than anything, of clear annoyance. But, she couldn't help but turn her head just slightly, glancing at Lanky Guy, who continued to keep his eyes forward on the road. Could it really be possible? "But, it has to be quick-" she turned back to face him, and Spike's incredulous look still splattered as if his brain had just fallen out of his ear "I'll come with you"

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