Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Sir-" they both looked at the door, where Lancy stood "The car is waiting in the hangar as you requested"

"Thank you" Max muttered, glancing down at her next to him. He grabbed her arm suddenly, startling her. He lead her out the door past Lancy, down the stairs, and to the living room

"Maxwell, the elevator is that way" she insisted, pointing back out to the hall

"We're not using that one" he responded, leaning to rip away the hanging tapestry, revealing the metal doors of the other one. The one she had been yanked into to get up here to begin with. She felt a sense of panic building, wondering if she had been right all along, if this had been some huge, elaborate trick to finish her off without any fuss. But, she didn't fight it as he guided her and the dog into the metal box, pressing the button for the first basement. They both stayed silent as the doors closed and they started to move.

"This elevator is only supposed to be used if there's a raid" She hadn't known if he was trying to break the ice with a conversation, but if he was, it certainly wasn't a cheery effort.

"A raid?" She inquired

"In case a rival gang tries to infiltrate our building" It was also the only elevator with access to the second basement, and only he had access to it, but he wasn't going to tell her that. He noticed how unnerved she looked, and she was, his words were just another reminder that she was basically in the blind. She didn't really have any idea about what went on here, what Maxwell's job actually was. But, the danger was very clear.

Hell's Heaven was on the news sometimes, mostly about the societal panic that people were turning away from Christianity, choosing to place their lives into the hands of the wicked. But, she hadn't really heard anything definitive about them committing crimes, it was mostly speculation from outsiders. This was a free country, it was meant to be so that anyone could put their faith in whatever they wanted. But it was clear to to her now that Hell's Heaven wasn't just a religion followed by cultists, it went much deeper and way worse, but she wasn't sure how far, and suspected that Maxwell wasn't going to be the one to enlighten her.

The doors slid open, and she stepped out, wide eyed at the sheer size of the underground lot they had walked into. It looked like some sort of large parking garage, vehicles of various sizes lined the sides, motorcycles, even trailers. The only thing in common was their colour, all a glossy black. They all looked immaculately cared for, without a single spec of dust. There must have been dozens, she didn't even have enough time to glimpse them all before she was guided, or more accurate to say-pulled, Towards the black limousine that was sat with the engine running, waiting for them. The inside smelled like chemicals, leather cleaner maybe. He shut the door and she watched as he walked around to the opposite side, opening the door and getting in himself.

"Leader Maxwell" the driver spoke in greeting

"Step on it" was Maxwell's kind response, she looked as he pressed a button on the door, and turned her head to see the whir as a piece of black glass rose to a close, separating them from the driver. She wanted to tell him not to be such an asshole, but the weapon stuffed into the waist of his jeans had her voice dying before it could even fully rise up her throat. The car started to move only a moment after, and she excitedly stared out the tinted windows, watching as they peered from the underground lot and onto the street. She strapped in her seatbelt tightly, glancing over at his, which still lay unused.

"Aren't you going to put your seatbelt on?" she inquired, eyeing it next to him with Zuni in her arms. His head turned, looking at her unsettled features.

"Why do you care?" he retorted, an eyebrow raised

"You should put it on" she insisted

"It's just a fucking seatbelt Harmony" His sharp snap startled her, the hold on the dog tightening. He inwardly cursed, his temper had gotten the best of him yet again. No wonder she's afraid of you. She lowered her head, in literally palatable sadness. She had been so excited, and then he went and fucking ruined it for her.

"My father wasn't wearing a seatbelt" He turned slightly at the sound of her soft murmur. She looked away from him, leaning her head against the opposite window. He remembered reading that in her file, her biological father had died in the hospital not long after his car has been struck by a semi-truck and he was thrown through the windshield.

Max had lost his parents later in life compared to when Harmony had lost her father, but he suspected the pain was the same, at least to a certain extent. She heard as he started to shuffle, turning her head to sight as he grabbed the seatbelt, listening as it clicked into place. She glanced away, towards the window where she could see the reflection of herself in the glass. It smiled, just slightly, but that was enough. 

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