Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The time passed quickly, but the party wasn't anywhere near ending.

Bunny had fun introducing Harmony to all her friends, and Harmony had fun throwing back shots, dancing to the music with the others, and staring up at a sky full of stars. She felt a little tipsy, her thoughts a little slow, but a party wasn't a place to think anyways. The beat of the music pounded in her ears, the way she shook her hips, taking drink after drink handed to her. She was having fun, so much damn fun, she even forgot about the set of eyes constantly watching her escapades. She hung off Cam's shoulder, a guy she had been introduced to earlier in the night, with shaggy light brown hair and dazzling green eyes, like a meadow in the summer. 

Although Cam was nice, she was more holding onto him for stability than anything, she was too short to reach the bottom of the pool with her feet, so he had offered to hold her around the waist to keep her above water. Bunny, however, seemed entirely enamored by the man, leaning against his shoulder and whispering nothings into his ear. She was half-convinced they were dating or something, but she thought that if they were, they would have kissed, which they never did.

"So, I told the guy...'I don't fucking give a shit who you are. I'll still put a fucking bullet in your brain'!" The group in the pool laughed at his joke. Even drunk, she still found herself slightly nervous, every time a comment made like that rang through, she was reminded just who she was dealing with. She was still surrounded by strangers, except for one that is...

"And, what did he do?" Bunny asked, hanging off Cam's other shoulder, a cigarette between the tips of her fingers, blowing the smoke in his ear.

"He literally dropped to my feet! begging for forgiveness!" Cam exclaimed, taking the cigarette from Bunny's fingers and placing it between his lips, taking a drag of his own. "I hadn't even pulled my gun out!" He said in amusement, the smoke leaking from his lips as he spoke

Cam suddenly turned his head, and their faces were so close together she could smell the remnants of tobacco from his lips "So, Little Thing, what was your first kill?" her eyes widened, glancing at the other people now with their eyes trained directly on her. She wasn't sure what to say, what was she supposed to say? every other person here had ended a life?

"You an idiot?!" Bunny inquired at his other side "Can't you see the bow? she's not initiated, dumbass!" Suddenly, she felt like no more than a child, surrounded by all these beautiful, dangerous grown ups. She felt ridiculous, knowing she shouldn't feel bad because she hadn't killed someone, but for some ludicrous reason she did, but only for a moment.

"Ahhh" he responded "A non-initiated at this party, you must have friends in high places" he laughed, leaning towards Bunny to kiss her neck so sensually, that Harmony thought it might be best to look the other direction and pretend that there was nothing to see. Well, spoke too soon, maybe they're dating after all.

"Did Satan let you in?" he murmured, smiling as he continued to kiss Bunny's neck, as she sat there with wide eyes, just watching it happen, he gestured across the pool deck, it was Maxwell by the bar, talking it up with a leggy blonde and a glass of whiskey in his hand "That guy certainly doesn't like his pieces in morsels"

She felt ill suddenly, letting Cam's arm loosen from her waist, the thought of just how much tail Maxwell chased. She said she was going to get another drink, moving through the water, to the edge of the pool, turning back to find Bunny and Cam furiously making out in the water, he grabbed at her thighs under the water, forcing her up against the nearest wall of the pool, crushing himself against her as she smiled, using one hand to grip around his neck, and the other still holding her lit cigarette turning to ash. She just watched them for a few moments, but quickly turned away, feeling her cheeks redden. She wondered what it was like to be kissed like that. The others in the pool cheered in a drunken frenzy, continuing to down their shots of fire and poison. The place was electric, she could feel it, the way the currents traveled from one body to the next. But, rather than feeling it like a shocking kick, it more drained her. She felt lightheaded, places like this weren't something she frequented, and she found her energy alone. Being around people was exhausting, a feeling any introvert would have understood. But, she was glad she tried it, something off her bucket list she suspected.

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