Chapter Fifty-Five

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The drive was another 8 hours, she had slept most of the way with her blanket and dog in her lap. The fact that she slept through the commotion in the RV was a miracle, with the girls playing board games and Spike having another one of his cranky episodes. She could hear it in her peripheral, but it was fine, all was fine, she felt a sudden smile ghost across her lips. The rest of the time was staring out the windows, watching the desert land pass by in a blur of yellow and orange hews, with a bright ocean sky, not a single cloud in sight. She even rolled down the window at one point, feeling the breeze rush over the skin of her cheeks. The air was hot, but it was fresh and that's all she cared about. For too long she had lived within the confines of city smog. Perhaps one day when she settled down for good, it could be somewhere out of the way, she would love land to explore all her own, with trees and birds and bugs.

She imagined that kind of world, her eyes fluttering closed. But, the peace didn't last forever, it never does. She felt when the RV came to a rolling stop, her eyes opening, noticing they were now at the edge of a gravel road, and in front of them, stood a rather large, expansive gate. It appeared to be metal, rusted at its edges and grooves. The sun had already started to set, leaving the world in a gentle glow that would eventually fall away. She turned to look at Lanky, who for the first time in the span of this trip, looked uncertain.

"Were here" he spoke, sounding a bit of dread to her ears. She lifted the warm blanket from her waist, looking past the seat at Max and Spike, who had unnerved looks of their own. She felt a hollowness start to fill the center of her chest, leaving behind the residue of ache and fear. She noticed the presence of a body from the corner of her eye, drawing eyes to the man who appeared outside the vehicle. "They also know we're here" Lanky claimed, watching as the guy used a key to unlock the gate, pushing it open so they could enter.

"Girls" Max looked over at the two sitting on the couch "Under the blanket on the top bunk" Sensing the danger, they didn't complain, hurried up to the back of the RV, climbed the ladder to the top bunk and got under the quilt together.

"You too Mony" she snapped her eyes back at him. His eyes darkened, referring with a head nod towards the bunks.

"Not a fat chance, Max" she retorted, crossing her arms against her chest. She may have been afraid of the guys outside, but she certainly wasn't scared of him, not anymore.

"Harmony" he spoke her name in warning

"What does it matter Max?" her eyes widened, glancing at Spike as he retorted "It's not like that one is appealing, they won't bother with her" she scowled, watching as Max let out a heavy sigh

"Fine, but you stay right there! you don't move a muscle!" he snapped. She nodded, turning back the man pushing open the gate. The screech of its cry was so loud she could hear it within the RV with the windows shut, and the engine started back up with the man directing them inside. The RV rocked as it started to move, gently through the gate. Her heart started to rise within her chest, tightening her finger's hold of the blanket on her lap. The place, it looked like some sort of settlement. Lanterns hung off the buildings like little suns, and in the little light left of the day, she could see a few kids, no older than ten, kicking around a soccer ball in the dirt, puffing it up with every step. They looked happy, playing with one another like long-time friends. Outside of the buildings, in their plastic chairs, a few women gathered, watching the young boys as they played, peering at one another as they sewed broken fabrics, possibly clothes. They also looked content, but perhaps that was all in her head, the need for some sort of mental reassurance.

The place wasn't run down, it was well-maintained, and the people seemed happy, properly dressed, and well-fed. She heard of these camps, run by drug makers with all their workers, living in deplorable conditions. She had expected to see that, but she didn't. There were dogs, large and white with tall, skinny legs and chain collars. They approached the RV as Lanky stopped on the small, dirt road. They sniffed at the tires, more of intrigue than aggression.

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