Chapter Thirty-Three

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They didn't see each other for the rest of the day, and Maxwell left the condo at the crack of dawn, to where Harmony didn't know and frankly, she didn't care. She had the whole apartment to herself, minus Lancy of course, but she told him to go home because there was nothing for him to do. she could wait on herself after all, she had legs. 

She didn't bother to get dressed either, lazing around in a dark nightgown, sprawled across the couch in the living room, watching the newscasters banter as if their talk was at all funny, and not just some people who hated each other and worked together pretending they were actually friends. Yes, Helen, we so very much would love to hear about the sweaters you crochet for your cats, And you say they are named after classical musicians? tell me more.

That was, until she heard the sound of the elevator doors sliding open. She didn't get up to check, she had thought maybe Lancy had come back, such a workaholic he couldn't stay away for too long, the footsteps down the hall sounded like Max instead though, but she didn't pay it much mind, she was too focussed on trying to discover the names of Helen's cats.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" she gasped and jumped, startled at the voice, snapping her head towards the door to not find Max, but it was John. No, not was Spike. Not only that, he had a gun pointed right at her. Her heart sped a marathon a minute, wide eyes of disbelief. She shakily put up her hands, that's what you do when someone has a gun on you? right?

"I asked what the fuck you're doing?! you're supposed to be in that room!" he gestured toward the stairs

"Maxwell lets me out for free time!" she insisted, starting to shake in terror. His eyes darkened even more, if that were even possible.

"You expect me to believe Satan lets you daly in his palace when he's not here?! Are you deluded?!" Satan? they called him Satan?

"He does! I swear!" she exclaimed "Call him! ask him!"

"No need for that" She heard the safety click off and her whole body froze like she had been caught in ice.

"Spike...let's just talk about this-" she got up slowly from the couch, still keeping her hands in the air

"I have orders! orders that Max gave me!"

"Max told you to shoot me?!" she asked, disbelief at the words bouncing around between her ears

"He told me that after that incident in the lobby, if I ever found you out of that room again, to take you down how I saw fit" She couldn't believe it, Maxwell had really given the order to have her eliminated?! She knew he was ruthless, but she thought that at least they had some sort of understanding now. But, she knew better now...she had allowed herself to get too comfortable in this place.

"Spike, you can tell Max that you found me here, I don't care. But, you have to promise me that if I go back up to that room right now...if I stay won't shoot me" He looked frustrated, like he just wanted to shoot her and get this entire mess over with. But, she knew she was ok when he dropped his gun to the floor between them. She didn't know why he hadn't just shot her, maybe he felt bad for her, he had been the one to pull her into all this in the first place.

"Thank you" she breathed, walking towards where he was standing. He moved out of the way to let her pass into the hall, and as soon as her back was turned to him, she ran as fast as her feet would take her, taking two stairs at a time, and hurried down the hall to the room, shutting the door behind her and putting the desk chair under the door handle. She unwinded with relief, no longer having a loaded gun pointed right at you tended to do that. She hurried under the covers of her bed, wondering if the duvet was heavy enough to be bulletproof. Just when she thought Maxwell might not have been as bad as she once thought, she re-discovered why he terrified her in the first place. He was unpredictable, and there was nothing that scared her more than that. It was best to avoid Maxwell, it had always been that way, but that incident with Spike was the wake-up call she had needed. I'm not safe here, I'll never be safe here. He's still waiting for the right moment he has a clear justification to shoot me dead.

Across town his phone vibrated in the pocket of his suit jacket, he pulled it out and up to his ear, listening to the voice of the person on the other end, and his mouth opened at the news just a little too much, the cigarette slipped from his lips and tumbled to the sidewalk next to his foot.



As soon as he got back to base, he hurried up the elevator. When he got to her door, he tried knocking, but heard nothing.

"Harmony?" she didn't respond to his calls through the door "Harmony, come on" he reached out with the keys, unlocking the door and opening it, only to have it stop flat only a few inches out. "What the fuck?" he pushed harder, but it didn't go. He noticed the sliver of a chair leg, and he knew exactly what she had done, putting a chair under the door handle so he couldn't get in.

"Harmony! Open the door!"

"FOR WHAT?!" she snapped, sitting on the bed "SO YOU CAN SHOOT ME?!"

"No!" he responded "Spike was just being trigger-happy! I've already told him not to raise a gun at you again"

"You must be eager to kill me yourself, don't want another man taking your target, right?!" now she was just being ridiculous and petty.

"I was worried that you were going to try and escape again. I'm sorry Harmony, but I can't simply just let you go wherever you want!"

"Yes, I'll just sit here and be you're good little wench for the rest of my pleasured existence!" she snapped, getting up off the bed to approach the open space in the door, and look him right in the face "So, what? you think I won't try to escape again? because you're sorely mistaken Maxwell" she breathed, eyes of fury "I will get out of here one day! I will get away from you!" she pointed right at him "And nothing you say will make me stay" He bit his teeth, angrily slamming the door shut. He ran his hands repeatedly through his hair, trying to relieve his stress by pacing back and forth in front of her door. He lost his temper, kicking the door with his boot before he stormed to his own bedroom, slamming the door so hard it shook. He sat on the edge of his bed, breathing heavily with his head in his hands.

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