Chapter Fifty-Three

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She woke up the next morning, under the covers of the bed, her hair sticking out in all directions. Her eyes widened, glancing at the other side of the bed, to find it empty. They had fallen asleep together, but she had woke up alone, without his arms around her. She probably should have been mad about it, but she wasn't, it had been something she expected. Maxwell wasn't the emotional, cuddling type, she knew that. But, her chest still kind of throbbed at the loneliness. She always thought she would have a guy with feelings, that would understand the pain of leaving her alone after sharing such a passionate, delicate moment between them.

But, it was probably for the best not get to too attached to him, it would end and he would be gone, just as everyone else disappeared eventually. She leaned up, gripping the quilt to cover her bare chest, noticing the sun through the small window across the wall, it was just starting to peak from the edge of earth's darkness. It was still early, so she saw no reason to not fall back into the bed. She gripped a fist of the quilt, rolling on her side to stare at the small lamp on the bedside table. So many nights she had stayed awake, thinking about the way she imagined a man she loved, waking up next to her and giving her a kiss good morning. It was disappointing, but it was also reality. It wasn't very often that fantasies actually came true, and Maxwell was a distanced person, it was just his nature.

Being upset about it would do nothing but make her sad, it would have no effect on him. She reached over the bed, struggling to grip her wrinkled shirt that had been discarded on the floor, pulling it over her head. A part of her wondered if he was going to do the same thing as the last time they shared a similar moment, pretend it never happened, and she would just watch it fade away. Those thoughts did nothing but cause the conflict within her to fester, digging its claws into her throbbing chest. But, it wasn't just the moment, but this entire situation that caused this pain.

Was she crazy? a textbook case of Stockholm Syndrome, having felt like this over her captor. She used to watch those documentary shows when she was a kid, wondering why those people couldn't see reason, or why they never left. I would never be that crazy, she had once thought. Even if I was in that situation, I would never let that happen to me. To start sympathizing with the one that held them against their will, she could never wrap her head around it, at least not till now.

She got out of bed, cleaned up her clothes, and packed her bag. It only took a few moments, it had only been a night. She forced her bra on, pulled her shirt back over her head, and slipped on the scattered shoes from the floor. The others were probably at the RV already, getting prepped for the trip across the border. Today would be the day that made or broke, and she still wasn't ready. Granted, she never thought she would be completely prepared, so the only option was to do it uneasily. Zuni was gone, and so was her leash, so she assumed Max had taken her for whatever reason. She carried her bag into the elevator, getting off in the lobby, exiting through the front door, and down the stairs to the large vehicle in the parking lot. She had been right, Lanky Guy was already in the RV, and the girls were playing tag, running around the large bus in constant circles, switching directions when one tagged the other.

"Restful night?" Lanky Guy inquired as she yanked her bag up the small set of stairs. No, it had not. But, she didn't tell him that. Instead, she smiled gently at him, before turning to place her bag under the bunk beds at the back. She appeared back out front, noticing the bundle of clothes that Lanky man held out towards her.

"Max told me to give you these" she thanked him, taking the small bundle of clothes between her arms. "He and Spike took a walk or something, they took the dog with them" She smiled kindly, heading to the back of the RV, and entering the tiny bathroom. She placed the clothes on the toilet lid, noticing the small jar bundled between the layers of the dress. It looked like some kind of makeup foundation, she suspected it was to hide the tattoo on the back of her neck. She lifted up the dress, it was long and covered in flowers, with modest, lightly puffed sleeves. She sighed, remembering how Spike had said she would have to look like a prude for this to work. At least she already got the look down, what would be left was the clothes.


"I can't believe you brought that mutt with us" Spike complained at his side, watching the small dog sniff at the grass bunches near the gravel path they walked right near the hotel.

"It's a dog Spike, it has to go outside" Max muttered

"The dog expert all of the sudden? you haven't even had a dog before!"

"It's common sense, you fucking moron" Max retorted

"That dog has got to be the girliest accessory I've ever seen!"

"Then I'm fucking surprised you don't already have one!" Max retorted, picking up the small dog and holding her against his shoulder, trying not to sneeze when her little curly white shed fell over his nose.

"You have to admit, you look ridiculous with that dog Max" he wouldn't deny that, him with this tiny cloud puff in his arms certainly was something to behold. "And that hotel! Seriously Max?! my room was so pink it burnt my fucking retinas!" I thought she'd like it, He certainly wasn't going tell Spike that though.

"Look-" Spike stopped walking, and Max stopped, turning to look at him, wondering what the hell he wanted "We have to talk about and her"

"How is that any of your business?"

"You can't fuck and dump this one" he raised an eyebrow "I get the whole 'get her to fall for you to make her not rat on us' thing you've got going, but you seem like you're getting more into this than you should be" Max let out a heavy sigh

"What the fuck are you even talking about?" he asked incredulously

"If you fuck and dump her, she'll want to take off Max. The whole point of this was to make sure she didn't have a chance to rat on HH!"

"What makes you think I'm doing this only to toss her aside?!"

"Bunny is worried about you," he said, and Max found himself no longer knowing what to say "You've done this many times it's hard to count-"

"She isn't like them"

"You've tried so many times to forget about Bunny, and I applaud you for that Max, believe me..." Spike spoke "But, we both know how this ends..."

"Shut up Spike" he sneered

"It starts fine, but as time passes, the more you realize that the girl isn't Bunny, it starts to unfurl around you!"

"This has nothing to do with you!" Max snapped

"You really think so?!" Spike retorted "I'm your best friend, Max! Who do you think has to pick up the pieces every time you fall apart?!" Max forced heavy breaths from his lungs, trying to contain himself and calm his mind. She wouldn't want you to act like this.

"This is my life, Spike" he spoke, tactful and straight, looking his friend in the face. "You have to let me find my own way" He placed the dog back on the ground, turning to walk back to the RV. Hopefully, she would be there, to ease his unrest with her simple presence. She was an art piece, frayed just as he was, all those other girls had merely been distractions. But, she was different. He could no longer imagine a life without her, and he never wanted to experience the pain of having it so.


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