Chapter Fifty

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So pissed man, I got half way through re-writing this and then accidentally deleted it all. I had to start over again

- Peaches


She accepted his terms, she wasn't very enthusiastic about it, but the idea of a nice shower was much too appealing to turn it away. She thought they would be staying in the city, in some fancy hotel that charged way too much per night, but ended up rather surprised when the directions led to a place out of much foot traffic. It was a few floors, almost like a bed and breakfast. The wood walls were pink, but the trim and the doors were such a vibrant red that it was entirely impossible to ignore. Max had been right about Spike, the guy spent the whole drive sleeping, only to wake up at the movement of the RV as it stopped in front of the hotel, looking out the window and having what could only be described as a 'toddler's temper tantrum'. He insisted that staying the night would simply mean more driving the next day, which he wasn't necessarily wrong about, but she hardly cared. On the edge of the city, the place was surrounded by the whistle of dust, the scent of the sun, and a few passing tumbleweeds.

She had heard the deserts of Texas were rather empty, nothing but decay and silence. But, she certainly found those statements an underestimation. For some reason, although there was little she could actually see, she felt that the place wasn't as empty as they claimed. She found herself wanting to explore, to see who lived there, what grew there. New York was next to the ocean, and this place felt like an entirely different world. She highly doubted she'd get the chance to do what she wanted though, There wasn't a chance in hell that Max would just let her wander off into the wilderness, and she certainly didn't want an escort. There was something about the desert, it made her feel that it was best experienced alone, someone else's company would have simply tainted the moment. She would rather skip it altogether than have someone else ruin it for her.

They stood in the lobby, it was small, the walls painting a delicate light lilac, edges with hand-carved wood of flowers and flowing ribbons. Max had handed out the keys, one to Lanky Guy for him and the girls, one for Spike, and she was expecting to get one too, but she didn't.

"We are on the second floor" he spoke, turning to look down at her beside him, his suitcase in one hand and the key in the other, referring with a head tilt to the small elevator across the room. WE?! Who is WE?! She had agreed to dinner, but did Maxwell expect her to have sex with him too?! because that was going to be a problem. She met his eyes begrudgingly, and as though knowing exactly what she was thinking, merely rolled his eyes.

"Like I was going to let you have a room all to yourself, just so you could go along and escape in the middle of the night!" He yanked her suitcase from where it sat on the rough carpet floor between them, pushing the elevator button until the doors slid open, and getting inside. "You coming? Or would you rather sleep on the lobby floor?" She merely sighed, walking the dog into the elevator as he held open the door. She had come to realize that since this trip had started, there would have been numerous times when she could have taken off, at rest stops, or fled from the RV in the middle of the night. But, it hadn't actually occurred to her, even the idea of using this night in a hotel to sneak out like he had said, why hadn't I thought of that?! She wondered if she was getting comfortable, because that would have been a conundrum in itself. She had to remind herself that she didn't belong here, she didn't belong with him.

"I hadn't thought of escaping" he merely scoffed at her words. She knew he did have a right to be suspicious, considering she had already tried to take off on three separate occasions. She decided to not attempt swaying him, he appeared set in his interpretation, and any convincing on her part would most likely fall on deaf ears.

He let her exit the elevator first, and down the hall to the correct door. The hall was tight, a light blue paint, and every few doors stood a bundle of flowers in crystal, on a wooden perch. She didn't know what kind of flowers they were, they looked like sunflowers but smaller, and they were many colors, with an abundant number of petals and giant, dark pupils. This place, it held an elegance, but an adjoined simplicity that she rather enjoyed. Beauty didn't have to be extravagant, nor did it have to be expensive. She pulled her suitcase across the wooden floor, with the dog on her leash following behind until Max stopped at the door with the hung 8, jamming the key into the lock

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