Chapter Fifty-Nine

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She snorted herself awake, like a pig, her hair splattered all over her head. She was in some sort of compartment, surrounded by dark-grey, metal walls. From the waving back and forth, along with the horrible sound of grinding gears, it was obvious she was in a vehicle. She felt green, very very green.

There was nothing but a tube light shining down on them, and the amount of dust bunnies was outright horrendous. She sneezed so hard it shook her brain, looking down to realize the horrible, hard, lumpy mattress she laid across was not a mattress at all. It was Maxwell, still snoring away. Parts of the night before were fuzzy, but they were both fully clothed, so she assumed sex hadn't been on the menu. But, she hadn't remembered how they got back to the RV, nor behind what she assumed was the false wall near the back.

"Max" she breathed, pressing her palm on his chest, watching as he stirred "Max, wake up"

"Mhmm" he groaned "The elevator is the way out...I won't call you, don't bother...." he grumbled, attempting to turn over, but with her being right on top of him, it wasn't very successful

"Maxwell-" she seethed a breath "I'm not one of your hussies!" She hit him in the chest, harder this time, and that seemed to do it. He jumped, his eyes snapped open and he got a full face of the light above, cursing and covering his sensitive eyes with his hand.

"....Harmony?" he spoke, hoarse from dehydration.

"Yes," she responded, leaning up from his chest by pressing on his rib cage, which had him letting out another yell of colorful words, gripping at the spot on his chest from the pain she had caused.

"Where...are we?" He ground, as she got up on unsteady feet, gripping the sides of the small compartment to keep her standing.

"I think...we're behind the false wall in the RV"

"....RV?...." he murmured, still half-asleep with slurred words, eyes hooded, being pulled down from the weight of fatigue. "Mony, Baby...come back to sleep..." he groaned, rolling over on the dust-covered, cold floor, seemingly without a care at how inhospitable it was.

"Fucksakes Max! We're supposed to be crossing the border with a box of cocaine!" she claimed, spotting the out-edges of the exit hatch, but leaning down to go for it, the skin of her back shifted, causing an almost inaudible yell to leave her lips. She leaned up, pulling up her shirt to feel a sort of plastic stuck to her back. The wings. they were still tender.

She reached down carefully, trying to maneuver to cause the least amount of pain, gripping at the small latch and jutting it open, hitting open the small door, unprepared for the sudden flash of sunlight right in the face. "Fuck!" she covered her face with dust-covered hands, shielding her eyes from the onslaught of her senses.

"And sleeping beauty is awake!" she turned her head, looking through cracks between her fingers at Spike lying across the couch "Sorry, I had to change you out of that dress, you vomited all over yourself" she grimaced, suddenly reaching out for a rather stuck clump of her hair, taking one whiff of it before and seething in disgust, pulling it away from her delicate nose.

"Thank you" she grimaced, whether it was for the disgusting feeling all over her body, or the fact that she had actually thanked Spike for something, she wasn't sure.

"I'm assuming the prince is still out of it" he got up from the couch, moving past her slightly to peer through the hatch to Max still on the floor "Not asleep, but certainly not all there, is he" he muttered to her bewilderment. She moved out of his way, watching as Spike grabbed Max by the leg, using it as an anchor to yank him from behind the false wall to his pathetic, mumbles of refusal. As soon as the light hit his face, he reacted the same way Harmony had, covering his eyes with his arm.

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