Chapter Forty-Nine

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"We've reached Laredo" She lifted her head at Lanky Guy's words. They were just coming over a large hill, and making it over the top, she could spy the city ahead, in the shadows of a sunset. "Laredo is a city on the US/Mexican border, partly in Texas, and partly in Mexico...this is where we will cross the border" She nodded in understanding

"We're supposed to cross the border tonight, but I bet if you asked Max, he'd let us stay the night instead" Lanky Guy proposed, referring to the guy, who sat half dead, his face in the granite table near the back, obviously trying to recover from a nasty hangover.

"You want to stay?" she asked

"Well, I'd rather stay and rest for the night than continue driving, it's boring" She smiled, but felt hesitant. With the way things had gone down last night, she wasn't sure asking him for anything at all was a good idea

"I think he's mad at me, it might not have the desired effect"

"Trust me, that guy is only mad at himself right now" Lanky Guy retorted "Call it...personal experience" Her stomach felt queasy, like she wasn't ready to talk to him, it twisted her gut. But, she would do it, because she also felt cooped up in the RV. Plus, going across the border would make or break this entire experience, she could get arrested for all she knew, and he didn't seem to give a fuck about that. At least she could have one more night of freedom before she was thrown in a cell, or hopefully take the time to mentally prepare so that she wouldn't fuck everything up and jail could be avoided altogether.

She got up with weighted feet, placing Zuni back on the seat with the blanket. She walked the small distance to the back of the RV as it moved, holding onto the tiny kitchen cupboard for stability as the vehicle rocked back and forth. She opened the door to the small fridge, grabbed a bottle of cold water as a peace offering, and turned to look at him, his face in his arms on the table. Well, here goes nothing.

She walked the few feet towards him, placing down the bottle of water on the table. He seemed to notice, lifting his head slightly with heavy eyes, obviously sensitive to the light.

"Maxwell" she spoke his name softly, sitting down next to him on the seat and grabbing the bottle, twisting off the lid "You're dehydrated" She placed it open in front of him. He seemed surprised, either by the fact that she brought him water, or that she was even sitting there, and maybe both. He looked over at her, eyes suddenly narrowed with a suspicious glint.

"You didn't do something to this, did you?" his voice sounded rough. She just rolled her eyes

"What could I possibly have put in there that you haven't already played with on your own?" she asked, incredulous. She does have a point. He grabbed the bottle, bringing it to his lips as she watched

"Everyone is tired-" she spoke as he drank "And you need a shower. No offense, but you smell like a dive bar" he suddenly coughed, spitting out a little bit of the water from the edges of his mouth while still keeping the bottle to his lips. She tried to ignore it, although she was pretty sure it was because of what she said, and that amused her greatly. "Don't you want to sleep this hangover off in a real bed? then, tomorrow we can cross the border and go on our merry way" he leaned the bottle down, finally releasing it from his chapped lips.

"You want to stay in Laredo?" he asked, sounding surprised as he placed the bottle back on the table in front of him

"At the moment, I wouldn't even care if we stayed on the surface of the sun! I just want to get out of this machine!" she exclaimed. He looked apprehensive, glancing at her from the corner of his eye "Come on Max! Just think, maybe you and Spike could go to a brothel or something" He looked over at her with twisted features

"Is that seriously all you think I do with my time? have sex with random women?"

"Well, you certainly don't give off the aura of a chastity pledge" she retorted, placing her head in her hands

"Touche'" he muttered, leaning back against the seat.

"So, what do you say?" she asked, looking hopeful "All I ask is one night" He still looked hesitant, but the look in her wide, pretty eyes just had him grumbling incoherently, taking another sip from the bottle of water.

"Spike isn't going to be happy about this..." he responded

"That's why I suggested the brothel" she retorted, admiring the amused shine within his eyes.

"Fine, one night-" he responded "But, there's something you have to do for me in exchange" She looked curious, her eyebrows lifting. His eyes darkened, just slightly, looking her right in the face as he spoke, "Have dinner with me" and in response, her eyes bugged out of her head.

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