Trippy Triplets - Chapter 5

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[Charles' POV]
After I woke up from surgery, I was in the recovery unit. My chest hurt where they inserted my port and my arm, up near my right bicep was sore because of the picc line. I wished I could just go home, but I had to start my treatment right away. "Alli?" I asked. "We can send your wife in now if you'd like." A doctor told me. I nodded, but then rested my head back on the pillow because it hurt. "My head." I mouthed to the doctor. He nodded. An IV nurse came in and gave me some pain medication. Alli came in soon after that. "Just be quiet. His head hurts." The doctor whispered to her. "Okay." She said, nodding. She sat down near the edge of my bed and stroked my face, giving me a kiss. "How are you doing?" She whispered. "Good." I responded. Ugh, it hurt just to talk. My head was throbbing. "I'm just gonna go to sleep." I whispered. "Okay. Do you want me to go?" She whispered back, getting up. "No," I began, gripping her arm. "Just stay with me." She sat back down in a chair and nodded. "Comments." I said meekly. "You want me to read you the comments?" She asked quietly. I nodded. She opened her phone and began to read the comments:
Keep kicking cancers ass Charles! The CTFxC loves you!
Ugh cancer stop bothering Charles! He is obviously stronger than you so just leave him alone, you'll never win!
Cancer vs Charles Trippy:
Charles wins!
Just keep breathing <3
Alli kept reading the comments with her soft voice until I was overcome by sleep and drifted off into dreamland. In my dream, I was dead. Kind of. It was like I was paralyzed and I couldn't talk and I was in a hospital bed and Alli and the doctors and my parents and Melissa were talking to me and I was trying to respond but I couldn't. I was terrified. I woke up in a cold sweat. "Alli!?" I exclaimed. "What!" She sprung of from her chair. "Bad dream." I said. "Shhh baby it's okay. Everything is going to be all right." She whispered in my ear. I nodded. I told her about the dream and she started crying, which made me sad so I started crying, which made her sad, which made me sad. Eventually we calmed down. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling. My head hurt so much, but I didn't dare complain because I knew that the pain ahead would be a thousand times worse. Pain demands to be felt, right John Green?

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