Trippy Triplets - Chapter 1

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Hi guys! Long time no see. Sorry about that. I was planning on starting WattPad back up again about a month ago but I had some issues with a friend that I can't get into in much detail because of confidentiality reasons, but basically we're not best friends anymore but I'm still friendly with them, I'm just hoping for this all to blow over, but I did learn some really great things from this experience. Okay, enough with the actually real life drama from my life and onto the fictional drama that I created inside of my brain.

February 14th, 2015, 2:34 AM
[Alli's POV]
I woke up with a start to the thing that I've been dreading and hoping would not ever occur again. Charles was having a seizure. My eyes overflowed with tears as I scrambled for my phone and dialed 911. "Hello, 911 dispatch." The dispatcher said. "Myhusbandishavingaseizureheusedtohavebraincancerimreallyworriedcanyoupleasesendsomeonetocomehelp?" I sputtered. "Calm down, it's okay," the dispatcher said, "I'm sending EMTs and an ambulance. They'll be there shortly." I nodded even though the dispatcher couldn't see me. "Okay." I replied. "Thanks." I hung up and put down my phone. Soon, I heard sirens outside. I looked over at the still seizing Charles, and then at the clock. 2:44. He had been seizing for ten minutes? That had never happened before. Something definitely wasn't right. EMTs came in and put and oxygen mask on Charles before putting him on a stretcher. "Follow the ambulance." One of the EMTs told me. I nodded and dashed into the nursery, grabbing the kids and strapping them into their car seats. I got into the car and sped off behind the ambulance. I turned on the camera, not bothering to wipe away my tears. "Hey guys. It's 2:50 am right now..." I trailed off. "Basically..." I turned the camera around so it filmed the ambulance. "That's Charles." I stated. "We don't really know what's going on, he had a seizure that lasted for ten minutes, and he was still seizing when they put in in the ambulance." I breathed. I shut the camera off and turned my attention to a screaming Mira. The other children were too sleepy to bother crying, but Mira obviously wasn't. I would have breastfed her right then and there had unbuckling my seatbelt, driving with my foot, pulling out my breast and giving it to Mira had not been completely illegal and unsafe. We finally pulled into the hospital.

February 14th, 2015, 7:24 AM
[Charles' POV]
I woke up with a start. "Alli?" I asked. She came over to my bed. Her checks were stained with tears. "Charles..." She began. She looked over at a doctor. He approached. "Mr. Trippy, unfortunately we have some bad news..."

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