Trippy Triplets - Chapter 2

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February 14th, 2015, 7:24 AM
[Charles' POV]
"Mr. Trippy, unfortunately we have some bad news." The doctor stated. My mind raced as I though of what might be wrong. I looked over at Alli and the tears had returned to her cheeks. "Your cancer has returned." The doctor told us. I sat in the bed and stared blankly, tears rolling down my cheeks. Alli put her arms around my shoulders. "The tumor has grown." The doctor said. He handed me a picture of my brain which indicated a very large tumor in my head. I put both hands on my forehead and leaned back, letting my tears flow. The doctor left to give us a minute. "Alli, what if I die?" I said between sobs. "What if I die and Mira and Angie and Q don't remember me? What if they have to grow up without a father?" I said, letting my hands fall to my sides. Alli hugged me tightly. "It's okay baby. We will get through this. I promise." She whispered into my ear. The doctor came back in. "We have created a treatment plan for you, Mr. Trippy." He said, handing me some papers. I looked at them:
Treatment Plan For Charles Paul Trippy
First Month: Chemotherapy seven days a week along with radiation five days a week and then a one week break.
Second Month: Chemotherapy five days a week along with radiation three days a week and then a one week break.
Third Month: Chemotherapy three days a week along with weekly radiation and then a one week break.
Fourth Month: Chemotherapy five days a week along with radiation three days a week and then a one week break.
Fifth Month: Chemotherapy seven days a week along with radiation five days a week and then a one week break.
Until Patient Is Deemed NEC/Cancer Free: Chemotherapy from Thursday until Sunday with weekly radiation.

You will have fluids flowing into you at all times during chemotherapy. Radiation lasts 30 minutes and is performed with a LINAC, or linear accelerator machine. Your cancer is very aggressive and will require a lot of treatment in order to be put in remission and deemed NEC/cancer free. You will be kept in the hospital for the first month of treatment, and if you are doing well you will be able to move back home with the assistance of a home health care nurse. You will have sixteen week long chemotherapy/radiation cycles with a one week break every four weeks, and at the end of five months we will reevaluate to see in a third surgery is needed or not, but nevertheless you will need to have chemotherapy from Thursday until Sunday with weekly radiation for quite some time until you go into remission. You will need a port and a picc line to assist in delivering you chemotherapy, medication, antibiotics and whatever else is needed. You have a 40% chance of living a year, a 19% chance of living five years, a 14% chance of living ten years, a 9% chance of living fifteen years and 5% chance of living twenty years or more.

My tears dotted the paper, reminding me of when Alli was in the hospital and the paper she was given that said Mira had a 3.8 percent chance of surviving. If Mira could do it, then I sure as hell could! I would survive. I would beat cancer. I would live to see my children grow up and graduate and go to college and have children of their own.

Somewhere, somehow I would do it.

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